[Music + Video] Lana Fun Mi – Bukola Akinade (Senwele Jesu)

Lana Fun Mi - Bukola Akinade (Senwele Jesu)

Evang. Bukola Akinade popularly known as SENWELE JESU has yet released another spirit-provoking prayer song titled LANA FUN MI which means ‘Pave Way For Me’. This promises to bless and change your life as you cue into the song.

We all have been in situations where we have wondered if there is a way out of our problem. Abraham found himself in such a predicament when he took Isaac, his only son up to the mountain to sacrifice him before God. Yet, just in the nick of time God provided a solution. “Gen. 22:9-14.

He’s working on our behalf even when we can’t see it all. He has a plan and purpose in whatever we walk through. He can cut a clear pathway through anything. And in seemingly hopeless situations where we can’t see any way out, 

God’s power has the opportunity to shine the greatest. It’s in those times when we come to the end of ourselves, where we know we can’t depend on our own abilities, on anything we have, or anyone we know, but instead are reminded that we are totally and completely reliant on Him – it’s those times that are the most powerful of all. He can make a way through the wilderness and cause streams to rise up, bringing refreshing even in the desert times. He can split the sea, move mountains, or any barrier before us, and allow us to walk through on dry ground.

Watch Video & Download Audio Below; 



Stream & Download Audio Below; 


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