Prophetic psalmist, dynamic pastor, and multi-gifted minister, Damilola Oluwatoyinbo has officially released his latest single, “Shine” a soul-stirring, faith-building anthem that is already capturing hearts worldwide. Available on all streaming platforms, the song’s accompanying official music video is now live on YouTube.
More than just a song, “Shine” is a prophetic declaration. Inspired by a deep yearning to see God’s power manifest beyond measure, the song was birthed in a profound moment of divine revelation. Just as Damilola Oluwatoyinbo stepped onto the platform to preach at the gathering of KINGS; Kingdom Influencers in Nations, Generations and Systems on a Sunday morning, the melody and lyrics flooded his spirit — an undeniable call to illuminate the world with the glory of God.
Drawing from Matthew 5:14, Isaiah 49:6, and Isaiah 60:1, “SHINE” is a bold anthem of hope, expectation, and assurance — reminding believers that every prophecy over their lives must and will come to pass.
“I want everyone who listens to this song to be filled with joy, positivity, and unshakable conviction that they are called to shine in every area of life” says Oluwatoyinbo.
“Shine” is a contemporary gospel masterpiece, merging soulful instrumentation, captivating melodies, and powerful prophetic declarations that ride seamlessly over the music. Crafted with precision, the track embodies a divine call to step into the fullness of one’s destiny.
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