Paul Akadi release new single titled ‘Beautiful’ featuring Gabriel Eziashi.
According To Paul Akadi:
‘The song ‘Beautiful’ talks about how Glorious and Beautiful our God is in all His ways. I have the privilege to feature my mentor and Music Pastor on the song ‘Pastor Gabriel Eziashi. The word of God says he makes all things beautiful in His time. When it is time for God to turn your situation around, he will ensure His name alone is Glorified.I have never seen this kind of God before, He remains the same always forever. He is the mighty man in battle. He has given us victory ‘
About The Artiste
Paul Akadi is a seasoned music minister who,with the Spirit of God brings down the presence of God through praise and worship.His songs cut across different genres of music in a bid to bless God with seamless varieties. With a voice that is easy on the ears,he valiantly and selflessly spreads the gospel with his music delivering his heartfelt messages of hope, celebration and worship;inspiring the audience and igniting an ambience of jubilant adoration of the Most High God.
He is happily married and currently based in the US. A worship leader in Household of Faith,Arlington, Texas and the CEO of PA Records. He is also a registered media practitioner.