Seeds Of Destiny Devotional – Distinguished By Character

Paul Enenche

Dunamis’ Seeds of Destiny 9 June 2020 Devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche – Distinguished By Character

Topic: Distinguished By Character

You can be in the same environment and not have the same attainment. It is standards that make people stand out. The lack of standards is the reason why many people cannot stand out in life.

SCRIPTURE: And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger. Genesis 25:23

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: People are distinguished by character and there is no character without discipline.

Sometime ago, I heard the testimony of a lady who was born a twin; she has a twin sister. She said while she and her twin sister were growing up, she was actively and passionately taking up responsibilities, doing the chores like cleaning dishes, washing clothes, etc. but her twin sister was not. Eventually, when they grew up, they were distinguished by their character – the lady in question became the chief executive officer of a major financial institution but the other one lives an insignificant and inconsequential life. Imagine that! They are products of the same conception but they don’t have the same future.

Beloved, you can be in the same church with other people and not have the same positive change they experience. You can be in the same environment and not have the same attainment. It is standards that make people stand out. The lack of standards is the reason why many people cannot stand out in life. It is manners that make people matter. If we do not have the same manner, we cannot matter at the same level. How we live today determines where we end tomorrow.

The Bible says, two manner of people shall be separated (Distinguished)…. (Genesis 25:23). Jacob was separated from Esau by character, Daniel was separated from the other vice presidents in Babylon by character (Daniel 6:1-4), and Esther was distinguished from the other virgins who came for the beauty contest in the Persian Empire by character (Esther 2:15); the other virgins combined virginity with vanity but Esther could not accommodate vanity.

So, people are distinguished by character and there is no character without discipline. Character is the key to distinction or excellence in life, and not certificate or ethnicity.

Remember this: People are distinguished by character and there is no character without discipline.


  1. Determine to uphold a positive character at all times and in all places.
  2. Make demands on the grace to be disciplined; refuse to be influenced into doing what displeases God.
  3. Study God’s Word daily in order to be continually transformed into His Perfect Image.


PRAYER: Lord, You are the Potter and I am clay in Your mighty Hand. Work on me and let me be a reflection of Your Holy Image on the earth Lord, in Jesus’ Name.


QUOTE: It is also important to uphold godly character because we live in a time when the dividing line between the church and the world has disappeared. Culled from “WHO ARE YOU?” by Dr Paul Enenche.

AMAZING FACT: The oceans cover 71% of the Earth’s surface.

PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: The grace to uphold distinguishing character is released upon you in Jesus’ Name.

Today’s devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Pow

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