Seeds Of Destiny Devotional – The End Time Is Here
Topic: The End Time Is Here SCRIPTURE: And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. Matthew 24:12 THOUGHT...
Topic: The End Time Is Here SCRIPTURE: And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. Matthew 24:12 THOUGHT...
Topic: Spirituality – The Vehicle For Tenacity And Humility The more spiritual people get, the humbler they become because the...
Topic: The Value Of Spirituality The spirituality of a man is like the root of a tree. The welfare of...
Topic: The Necessity Of Praise Your praise disarms and destroys the enemy and gives rise to your victory in battle. SCRIPTURE: Let the...
Topic: The Power Of Fasting And Prayer Beloved, fasting and prayer have the capacity to break down satanic holds (Isaiah 58:6). In...
Topic: The Deliverance Power Of The Word By Christ’s Blood, you changed family lineage; you are now in the family of...
Topic: The Power Of Redemption And Deliverance From Curses Beloved, by virtue of redemption, your deliverance from curses is mandatory (1...
Topic: Deliverance By The Prophetic By virtue of the prophetic, deliverance from curses is mandatory. SCRIPTURE: In those days they shall...
Topic: The Escape Routes From Curses The blessing of God was on ground before the curses of life came; the blessing preceded...
Topic: Sin And Curses Personal iniquity or wickedness attracts a curse. Whatever a person does that brings pain to another person can...
Topic: The Plague Of Wrong Association Association fuels assimilation, and who surrounds you determines what you can survive. SCRIPTURE: Be ye not unequally...
Topic: The Force For Change The limit of your faith determines the limit of your change. If you need your life to...
Topic: Believe And Be Blessed If you are of faith, you must be blessed and if you are in doubt,...
Topic: Tender-Heartedness – A Proof Of Godly Maturity The real sign of maturity and responsibility is the capacity to apologize...
Topic: The Faith Currency The limit of your faith determines the limit of your purchasing power in the spiritual. SCRIPTURE: Now...
Topic: Keys To Divine Encounter Passion for God is a sponsor of Divine encounter. SCRIPTURE: and he led the flock to...
Topic: Products Of Divine Encounter One Divine encounter can shift your life forward permanently. SCRIPTURE: And the angel of the Lord...
Topic: Divine Encounter For Relevance Divine encounter can settle a person’s life forever; one encounter of Divinity with humanity can settle a...
Topic: The Impact of Your Company on Your Destiny The company you keep has an unquantifiable impact on your life and destiny....
Topic: Living A Lie- A Highway To Destruction Until you open your life to God, God does not open your...
Topic: Desire – The Secret Of Power With God When a man is passionate for God, it is impossible for...
Topic: Surrendering Of Strength And The Fulfilment Of Destiny So, beloved, if you want to prevail with God and fulfil destiny,...
Topic: Desperation For Change – A Pathway To Destiny Beloved, if you want God to drastically change your life, it...
Topic: The Significance Of The Night Time Every child of God who wants to gain spiritual mastery and attain dominion...
Topic: The Password To God And His Kingdom The Master admonishes us to become like little children in order to...
Topic: Maximum Impact – A Key To Destiny Fulfilment Beloved, where impact is not felt, destiny fulfilment is in doubt....
Topic: Who Surrounds You? The quality of one’s destiny is determined by the quality of his relationships. The people in...
Topic:- Deployment Of Potentials: A Key To Destiny Fulfillment The worst form of failure on earth is not the failure...
Topic: Become As A Little Child Any man whose life is filled with cover-ups has no future with God in...
Topic: The Importance Of Converting Opportunity To Possibility Endeavour to turn every opportunity to possibility with the mind-set of making...
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