Seeds Of Destiny Devotional – The Profit Of Offering Assistance
Topic: The Profit Of Offering Assistance Beloved, when you are full of yourself, you miss opportunities in life. Assisting others...
Topic: The Profit Of Offering Assistance Beloved, when you are full of yourself, you miss opportunities in life. Assisting others...
Topic: Living To Make A Difference Beloved, making a difference is superior to making a living, and what you get out...
Topic: Make Sense On Time Beloved, opportunity is universal, but success is not universal. So, every time you have the stage,...
Topic: The Responsibility In Faith Building Beloved, if you are interested in your life and destiny, you must be interested...
Topic: The Voice Of Faith Beloved, if you want to speak and be heard by the powers of darkness, nature or...
Topic: The Necessity Of Faith Necessity is a major driver of exploits. When the necessity of a thing is known, exploit in...
Topic: Defining Your Life By Your Faith The enlargement of your faith equals the enlargement of your life; it equals the enlargement...
Topic: Grow Your Faith To grow your faith, you need to feed on revelation (The Word of God) which is the food...
Topic: No Fight, No Victory! Beloved, you may be facing a battle in your life right now, but I decree, that battle...
Topic: Bitterness – The Enemy Within Beloved, bitterness is a root that develops into some undesirable fruits and the fruits...
Topic: The Responsibility Of Faith Beloved, you must work at the Word of God, labour in the Word before you arrive at...
Topic: Faith – A Force For Change The limit of your faith determines the limit of your change. If you need...
Topic: Tithe; The Security Of Your Finance So, the tithe is still on record in the eternal archives of Heaven and it...
Topic: The Blessing Of Kingdom Service A person who is not interested in serving God and is begging God for blessing is...
Topic: The Dangers Of Guilt Lying, stealing, cheating, immorality, watching corrupt movies, bitterness, etc., defile the conscience, and whatever defiles your...
Topic: From Revelation To Manifestation Beloved, it is your revelation from the Word that determines your manifestations in life. Scripture: Arise, shine; for...
Topic: The Word Of God – The Arranger Of Situations The Word of God rearranges situations; it orchestrates, pulls situations...
Topic: God’s Word - The Unction For Success The Word of God is pregnant with power, and the purpose of...
Topic: The Blessing Of Faith-Filled Testimonies Beloved, anything you see God do in the life of someone has become your prophecy; to...
Topic: Following The Steps Of The Blessed The Bible shows us the steps of the blessed which we can follow and experience...
Topic: The Blessing - A Product Of Faith The Blessing of God is a major determinant of change of level...
Topic: All In The Word Whatever we want from our Heavenly father is located in His Word. Scripture: In the beginning...
Topic: All Flesh Is Grass When a man has no relationship with God, he is as a normal natural and ordinary flesh....
Topic: The Word of God – The Blessing Container SCRIPTURE: And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona:...
Topic: Consequence Of Indecision SCRIPTURE: And Ruth said,”Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee”: for whither thou...
Topic: The Ravages Of Iniquity When you commit sin, you may still be alive physically but something has died in you. When...
Topic: Character, The Bedrock Of Destiny Beloved, if you are to carry out an assignment for the kingdom of God; if...
Topic: The Distinguishing Feature In Life Integrity distinguishes people in life; to be different in upright living is to make...
Topic: The Enemies Of Great Destiny What you don’t understand, you cannot confront or conquer; what cannot be identified cannot be...
Topic: Your Company And Your Destiny I don’t know what is making you to live lower than your expected level, possibilities...
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