Tag Archives: Gospel Songs

Emerging gospel music artiste, Minister Neche releases a brand new single titled “Unconditional Love” to celebrate this season of love. It’s a song that speaks to the soul, reminiscing on the Unconditional Love God has always shown to us, even while we were yet sinners, He loved us so much and send His only begotten son to die and reconcile us to back Himself, oh what an Unconditional Love of God at its peak.
Gospel Music

Unconditional Love – Neche

Emerging gospel music artiste, Minister Neche releases a brand new single titled “Unconditional Love” to celebrate this season of love. It’s a song that...

Igwe - Mr. Special
Gospel Music

Igwe – Mr. Special

Praise/worship leader and All The Praise corner - Mr. Special hits the music world with another soul lifting tune, as he sings about God's...

[Video] Praise The Lord - Saint D

[Video] Praise The Lord – Saint D

International Award-Winning US-Based Cameroonian gospel recording and performing artiste, Saint D releases a brand-new video “Praise The Lord.” This powerful...

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