12 Things We Have Learnt In 12 Years Of Marriage – Leke And Titi Adeboye

It’s twelve years of journeying together, twelve years of love, hurt, forgivingness among others for Pastor Gbemileke Adeboye and Titilope Adeboye.

Pastor Leke Adeboye and his wife, Titilope Adeboye

In a bid to make believers learn tips that have kept their marriage going, the Adeboye’ has documented in a video 12 things they have learnt so far together in the last 12 years of marriage.

The first to speak is Pastor Leke and he revealed that he learned that how he speaks to his wife in public matters even though how she speaks to him in public doesn’t matter.

“How you speak to your wife in public matters…the ladies will not be careful how they speak to you in public but you have to be careful…”, he said.

His wife however countered his words stating that, it’s not fair to say that.

Speaking Titi Adeboye revealed that in the last 12 years, she has learnt that it is important to place God high in marriage and not take Him for granted.

“Something that is also very important is the place you place God. One of the things I have learned is the place that you place God is the bed rock of everything. At no time should we have to take God for granted to say..oh we just do this by our own strength”, she said.

Pastor Leke on his part said he has learnt to be open and communicate freely with his wife. This is to the extent that if there is any kind of girl wherever he is, he will inform his wife and also do video call.

“I learned to be open and say so if there is another girl there, talking or moving with me, before I even leave I will do video call….As much as possible don’t be alone with anybody for no reason if you have to drop them off”, Pastor Leke said.

Mrs. Adeboye revealed that she has learnt to be accountable to her husband and always be truthful to him.

“Learned accountability…. saying the truth nothing but the truth so help me God”…I think the word is accountability not necessarily with a girl or whatever (Pastor Leke chipped in). It’s you being accountable like you said to your spouse I definitely not be with a guy…(his wife completed)”, she said.

Speaking Pastor Leke said he learnt the art of communication. He stated that men can do anything for their wives, it all depends on how their wives’ requests are communicated.

“..is also how it is communicated. Just to the ladies out there if you have the wisdom of how to make the communication..it’s a lot easier the guys will do almost anything for you depending on how you say it..”, he said. 

Watch the full video below;

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