Hymns At RCCG 66th Annual Convention 2018

RCCG 66th Annual Convention 2018

Hymns At RCCG 66th Annual Convention 2018 | Theme: Dominion

Hymn 1: Praise To The Lord The Almighty King Of Creation

  1. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty,
    The King of Creation
    O my soul, Praise Him, for He is
    Thy health and salvation
    All ye who hear
    Brothers and sisters draw near
    Praise Him in glad adoration

  2. Praise to the Lord, who doth prosper
    Thy work and defend thee;
    Surely His goodness and mercy here
    Daily attend thee;
    Ponder anew
    What the Almighty can do,
    If with His love He befriend thee.

  3. Praise to the Lord, who, when tempest
    Their welfare are waging,
    Who, when the elements madly around
    Thee are raging,
    Biddeth them cease,
    Turneth their fury to peace,
    Whirlwinds and waters assuaging.

  4. Praise to the Lord, who, when darkness
    and sin is abounding,
    who, when the godless do triumph, all
    virtue confounding,
    Shedeth His Light,
    Chaseth the horrors of night
    Saints with His mercy surrounding.

  5. Praise to the Lord! O let all that is in me
    Adore Him!
    All that hath life and breath,
    Come now with praises before Him!
    Let the Amen
    Sound from His people again;
    Gladly for aye we adore Him.

Hymn 2: Fight The Good Fight With All Thy Might

  1. Fight the good fight with all thy might
    Christ is thy strength, and Christ
    Thy right;
    Lay hold on life, and it shall be
    Thy joy and crown eternally.

  2. Run the straight race through
    God’s good grace,
    Lift up thine eyes, and seek His face;
    Life with its way before thee lies,
    Christ is the path, and Christ thy prize.

  3. Cast care aside, lean on thy Guide;
    His boundless mercy will provide;
    Lean, and the trusting soul shall prove,
    Christ is the path, and Christ its love.

  4. Faint not, not fear, His arms are near,
    He changeth not, and thou are dear;
    Only believe, and thou shalt see
    That Christ is all in all to thee.

Hymn 3: Onward Christian Soldiers

  1. Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
    Looking unto Jesus; who is gone before.
    Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;
    Forward into battle, see his banners go.

Onward, Christian soldiers,
Marching as to war,
Looking unto Jesus,
Who is gone before,

  1. At the name of Jesus, Satan’s host doth flee;
    On then, Christian soldiers, on to victory!
    Hell’s foundations quiver, at the shout of praise:
    Brothers lift your voices, loud your anthems raise.

  2. Like a mighty army, moves the church of God;
    Brother, we are treading, where the saints have trod.
    We are not divided, all one body we-
    One in hope and doctrine, one in charity.

  3. Crowns and thrones may perish, kingdoms rise and wane,
    But the Church of Jesus, constant will remain.
    Gates of hell can never, ‘gainst that Church prevail;
    We have Christ’s own promise’ and that cannot prevail.

  4. Onward then, ye people, join our happy throng,
    Blend with ours your voices; in the triumph song:
    “Glory, praise and honour, unto Christ the King”,
    This, through countless ages, men and angels sing.


Hymn 4: Stand Up! Stand Up For Jesus

  1. Stand up! stand up for Jesus!
    Ye soldiers of the cross;
    Lift high His royal banner,
    It must not suffer loss:
    From victory unto victory
    His army shall He lead,
    Till every foe is vanquished
    And Christ is Lord indeed.

  2. Stand up! stand up for Jesus!
    The trumpet call obey;
    Forth to the mighty conflict
    In this His glorious day.
    Ye that are men, now serve Him
    Against unnumbered foes;
    Let courage rise with danger.
    And strength to strength oppose.

  3. Stand up! stand up for Jesus!
    Stand in His strength alone;
    The arm of flesh will fail you;
    Ye dare not trust your own.
    Put on the Gospel Armor,
    And, watching unto prayer,
    Where duty calls, or danger,
    Be never wanting there.

  4. Stand up! stand up for Jesus!
    The strife will not be long:
    This day the noise of battle,
    The next the victor’s song;
    To him that overcometh
    A crown of life shall be;
    He, with the King of glory,
    Shall reign eternally.


Hymn 5: Conquerors And Overcomers Now Are We

  1. Conquerors and overcomers now are we,
    Thro’ the precious blood of Christ we’ve victory,
    If the Lord be for us, we can never fail;
    Nothing ‘gainst his mighty pow’r can e’er prevail.

Conquerors are we, thro’ the blood, through the blood;
God will give us victory, thro’ the blood, through the blood,
Thro’ the Lamb for sinners slain,
Yet who lives and reigns again,
More than conquerors are we,
More than conquerors are we.

  1. In the name of Israel’s God we’ll onward press,
    Overcoming sin and all unrighteousness;
    Not to us, but unto Him the praise shall be,
    For salvation and for blood-bought victory.

  2. Unto him that overcometh shall be given
    Here to eat of hidden manna sent from heaven;
    Over yonder he the victor’s palm shall bear,
    And a robe of white, and golden crown shall wear.

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