Baba God – Lilian Odimma Smart

Lilian Odimma Smart - Baba God

Evangelist Lilian Odimma Smart releases a brand new song titled; Baba God

This song “Baba God” is a song born out of the insatiable hunger and thirst to continue to praise God for all he does for me and to all who follow him. It was inspired by the understanding that we need to remain thankful to God rather than always wanting him to satisfy our numerous needs. It is important to note that whenever we gather before God either as individuals or groups of individuals, it should not be all about presenting our needs before God, sometimes, we need to count our blessings and name them one by one and offer Him nothing but our praises.

This is exactly what inspires this song; an inspiration grounded in Psalm 150:6 where it was stated: “Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD”. Therefore, with this danceable song, I encourage every living soul to dance and praise the Lord for everything He has done for us and still doing for us. Glory be to God!!!


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About Lilian Odimma Smart

Lilian Odimma Smart popularly known as Darling is an ardent preacher of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and is currently the General Superintendent of “Ardent Zeal Evangelistic Ministries”.

The woman of God is one of the end-time preachers of the gospel; passionate about populating the kingdom of God through fire and anointing-induced messages. She is a gifted woman of God who also writes songs according to the inspiration of the spirit of God.

The Evangelist strongly believes that serving God with the gifts He bestows on us is the surest way to fulfil divine purpose here on Earth and to perpetually dwell in the will of God. Based on this, she is happy to remain a vessel of honor and a great instrument in the hands of the Almighty God.


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