Breathe Life Into Your Dreams ~ Joyce Meyer

Topic: Breathe Life Into Your Dreams [Wednesday April 5, 2017]

For a dream comes with much business and painful effort . . . – Ecclesiastes 5:3

I’m sure this is why many people give up on their dreams somewhere along the way. When they find out it will take effort, be costly and uncomfortable to complete their preparation for the birth of that dream, they conclude it wasn’t really God’s will after all and go and do something else.

I want to encourage you to go press through the hard part because if you give up, you will never be completely satisfied. Faith becomes stronger as we are required to use it. So how do we successfully make it through preparation and give birth to our God-given dreams?

Here are three keys to help you get there:

1. Be Confident that God is working

Whatever dream God has put in your heart, stand in faith, believing He can bring it to pass. Each day, as you pursue the promise He has given you, make it a habit to say, “God’s working!” You may not know all the details of how it is going to work out, but that’s okay. God knows the beginning to the end (see Isaiah 46:10).

2. Refuse to Give Up

It’s easy to start a process—or to have a dream—but it is much more difficult to see it through. That’s why so many people’s life lives fall short of God’s best. They start to obey God, or they start to move in the direction of their dream, but when times get tough, or they become weary of waiting, they turn around and run in the other direction.

3. Realize Your Dream Is about More Than You

Many times, people dream of things only for them—what they want out of life, or what’s best for only them. But Jesus, our example of how to live, gave His life for the benefit of others.

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