Home Devotionals C.A.C Daily Devotional C.A.C Daily Devotional – Your Best For His Best

C.A.C Daily Devotional – Your Best For His Best

The Living Water -  Christ Apostolic Church Daily Devotional Guide 

The Living Water –  Christ Apostolic Church Daily Devotional Guide 

Topic: Your Best For His Best

Date: Friday, November 6, 2020

Read: Psalms 116:12-17

Psalms 116:12-17  What shall I render unto the LORD for all his benefits toward me?

I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the LORD.

I will pay my vows unto the LORD now in the presence of all his people.

Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.

O LORD, truly I am thy servant; I am thy servant, and the son of thine handmaid: thou hast loosed my bonds.

I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of the LORD.


What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits towards me? (Psalms 116:12)


The best thing God has ever given, or done to man after the fall in Eden was the release of His only begotten Son as a ransom for man’s sin. No doubt, God has given man everything – all creatures, for the good of himself (man), wisdom and knowledge to provide things that bring comfort to man, food, to provide strength, dominion to rule.

All these benevolent acts of God are secondary and less important to God than Jesus Christ, the best gift of God to the world. In return of all these gifts and blessings from God, He expects man also to give Him (God) the best of him (man). Wise men from ages have returned to many things to God in appreciation of the goodness of God to them. Many give praise and worship, sacrifices, vows, built a worship centre, gift to the needy as commanded by God, etc, but of all that man that man has given to God, only a few has given their best – their souls.

Man’s soul is the best he can/must give in appreciation of the best of God to him. Some at a time or the other had given their best – soul, but after a while, maybe, due to persecution and trials from the world, comfort of life, troubles from the enemies, disappointment from the loved ones, including their pastors and trusted brethren take back their soul from God.

Dear devout, the best God is expecting from you for the best He has given is your soul. Give it to Him if you haven’t; returned it if you have taken it back and leave it with Him if you have given it and ensure it remains with Him for the rest of your life.

This only will enable you to receive the best He had promised to give- the eternal life with him in paradise. Jn. 14:1-3. Believers should look up to His eternal kingdom because He has promised it. Num. 23:19


1. Thank You Father for the greatest gift You have given to the world and to me – Jesus Christ.

2. Lord, help me never to lose the gift of salvation handed over to me, help me to cherish it always.

3. Pray for those who are still wallowing in sin that they will embrace the gift of God to mankind and for those that have backslidden that God will restore them to Himself.






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