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Dr. Mike Okonkwo – Change Your Mentality

Topic: Change Your Mentality [Thursday January 11th, 2018]

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind…” (Romans 12:2a KJV)

The Christian life, though full of trials, is nevertheless progressive. It is from grace to grace and from glory to glory. You must, therefore, walk with the mentality that God did not call you to shame or embarrassment. He called you to a life of glory and virtue.

Beloved, like I would always say, refuse to look at what is happening around you. Rather, fix your heart on God’s word. His word to you is that He will do a brand-new thing. (Isaiah 43:19). Begin to walk, talk, act and think like one who has taken delivery of something new. When God speaks of something new in your life, He is not talking about refurbishment. No! He means something novel, original, fresh, unique, brand new and occurring for the first time. That means you should not expect negative things to happen to you like it used to in the time past. Remember that as a man thinks in his heart so is he. Wake up in the morning and expect only good to happen to you.

One way to change your mentality is to create your day with your mouth. Don’t allow the devil create your day. Speak what you want to see and it will come to pass. Refuse whatever tag or label of failure the world wants to put on you. They may have tagged you a failure in time past, refuse it because God says only new things are permitted to happen in your life. Expect your health to be renewed! Expect new opportunities and new vistas in business. Trust God for fresh ideas and creativity that will catapult you to a new dimension in life. Refuse to settle for the mundane. Refuse to cancel out yourself, even in the face of the manipulations of the adversary.

I decree that no one will exchange your miracle. The wealth of hidden places will be revealed to you and you will not be stranded. Good news concerning you will be noised abroad. I bless you.

Further Reading: Isaiah 43:18-21

Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Gen 27, 28 / Evening- Matt: 9:18-34

Written by Dr. Mike Okonkwo; Is the Presiding Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM); a versatile man of God with over 30 years of dedicated service unto the Lord.



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