Home Devotionals Joyce Meyer – Don’t Have An Exaggerated Opinion Of Yourself

Joyce Meyer – Don’t Have An Exaggerated Opinion Of Yourself

Topic: Don’t Have An Exaggerated Opinion Of Yourself [Wednesday January 3, 2018]

Do not judge and criticize and condemn [others unfairly with an attitude of self-righteous superiority as though assuming the office of a judge], so that you will not be judged [unfairly]. — Matthew 7:1

The Bible repeatedly warns us against pride. And I cannot emphasize enough the danger of pride. See, when we give in to pride, we give the enemy a place of great influence over us.

When we think too highly of ourselves, it causes us to value others less, forget to trust God, and ignore the truth that we’re really nothing without God.

This type of attitude or thinking is detestable to the Lord. We must have a holy fear of pride and remember that we’re special and valuable because God loves us and has forgiven us, not because we can accomplish great things on our own.

It’s important to understand that whenever we excel in any area, it is only because God has given us the gift of grace to do it. The moment we think we’ve accomplished great things in our own strength, we’re getting into pride.

Remember, we belong to God. Instead of having exaggerated opinions of ourselves, let’s focus on God’s greatness and His love for us. It’s by His grace alone that we can succeed in doing whatever He’s calling us to do.

Prayer Starter: Lord, anything good in me and in my life comes from You. So I humble myself before You and repent of any pride I may be holding on to, knowing that when I succeed and excel, it’s because of Your grace and goodness.



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