Home Gospel Music Let It Sound – Fait Favour

[DOWNLOAD] Let It Sound – Fait Favour

Let It Sound - Fait Favour

Gospel music minister Fait Favour commemorates her birthday with the gift of a new single for the body – the church. This is simply titled “Let It Sound.”

The single is a mix of Traditional Folk and Contemporary Praise music. There is a splash of High Life in the mix as well. The song is an expression of a heart filled with gratitude, fulfillment and an outburst of uncontainable joy.

“Deep Joy of Jesus Christ sustains us in the “field” as His ministers. Joy and eternal pleasure are found only in God’s presence. Lasting Joy is possible in every season when we follow God’s truth. Even when it feels uneasy and doesn’t make sense, keep following Jesus Christ and trust in His wisdom. There’s much joy at His feet. I pray God,the source of hope fill you with Joy. Amen” – Fait Favour.

The single follows her last release titled “Holy Fire,” A single off her last EP, “At His Feet.” She backed the single up with the live video. As a matter of fact, “Let it Sound” is the first of her releases which is not off the EP.

Fait Favour continues to herald her uniqueness and the peculiarity of her message even with the new single. Get the song, be inspired and be blessed by her ministry.


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