Dunamis’ Daily Devotional ~ Dealing With The Reproaches Of Life

Topic: Dealing with the Reproaches of Life [Monday July 10, 2017]

Scripture: Now Naaman, captain of the host of the king of Syria, was a great man with his master, and honourable, because by him the Lord had given deliverance unto Syria: he was also a mighty man in valour, but he was a leper. 2 Kings 5:1

Thought For The Day: Your impact will handle your insult.

A reproach is a situation which causes shame, mockery, disfavour, rejection and sorrow. A reproach is an attack on someone’s identity. Its prime objective is to swallow up the name or identity of the affected person.

The case of a certain crippled man who sat at the gate called “beautiful” (Acts 3:2) was a good example. The gate had a name, “beautiful” but the man had no name; he was simply referred to as “a certain man.”

Now, let us look at the keys to dealing with the reproaches of life.

  1. Maintaining a life of Impact
    Naaman was a leper but he was also an expert warrior (2 Kings 5:1). People who had no leprosy were also in the army of Syria but Naaman was appointed Chief of Army Staff because he was far better than the normal people without leprosy; he outperformed others by his impact, ability and war strategies. Naaman decided to make impact despite his setback.

In one of his assignments as an Army General, he led the Syrian Army to raid Israel and they brought a little girl back home as prisoner of war. Then, he imparted, impacted and influenced the life of the girl so positively that the girl desired that he, her master, be healed. She then directed him to Prophet Elisha in Israel where he got his healing.

By virtue of impact, Naaman could not remain a leper. Your impact will handle your insult.

  1. Submit yourself to prophetic instruction.
    Naaman was not cleansed of his leprosy until he completely obeyed the instruction of Prophet Elisha (2 kings 5:14).

  2. Immerse yourself in the Word.
    Naaman dipped himself in the water seven times and he was cleansed. The Word of God is the water that washes away our reproach (Ephesians 5:26).

Beloved, immerse your life in the Word and let it wash off every reproach on your life.

Remember this: Your impact will handle your insult.


  1. Ignore your setbacks and focus on your purpose of existence.

  2. Value your prophetic covering and heed prophetic instructions.

  3. Consistently look up to God and dwell in His Presence.


Prayer: O LORD, I look up to You. Let Your glory radiate around me and displace every reproach around my life, LORD in Jesus’ Name.

Daily Reading: 1 Chronicles 9:1 to 10:14, Acts 27:21 to 44, Psalm 8:1 to 9, Proverbs 18:23 to 24

Quote: Who (God) is behind you is stronger than what is in front of you. Culled from RIDING THE STORMS OF LIFE by Dr Paul Enenche.

Amazing Facts: Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete.

Today in History: 10/07/1913 – The temperature in Greenland ranch, Death Valley, California, hit 134 °F (57 °C), the highest temperature ever to be recorded on Earth.

Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), is a powerfully anointed church, headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Dr Paul and Dr Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities.

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