Dunamis’ Daily Devotional ~ In The Days Of His Power

Topic: In The Days Of His Power [Saturday July 1, 2017]

Scripture: Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness, from the womb of the morning, though has the dew of thy youth. Psalm 110:3

Thought For The Day: To stand in holiness is to attract the attention and power of God.

A closer look at events in the world clearly shows that we are in the end of the age. Every sign is indicative of the fact that Jesus is about to come again. Interestingly, the time prior to His second coming is a time for the escalation of power, and that time is already at hand (Psalms 110:1-3).

This implies that the Church worldwide must experience God’s power and glory in dimensions like never before. We are about to maximally humiliate and molest the forces of darkness. Principalities and powers are about to experience the kind of damage they have never experienced since creation.

The days that precede Christ’s second coming are days for the escalation of power – conviction power, life-transforming power, deliverance power, liberation power, judgemental power, etc. Jesus is about to stand, and before He stands up from the throne to commence His journey of second return; His enemies must be made His footstool (Psalms 110:1).

Now, who are the people that are qualified to manifest this power?

  1. Those who are desperately willing to manifest His Power (Psalms 110:3): Willing people are carriers of power. Unwilling people can never manifest supernatural power. So, power belongs to men and women whose wills have been united with the Will of God.

  2. Those who live in holiness: In Psalms 110:3, the Bible says thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauty of holiness…. So, holiness is attractive (beautiful) as far as the power of God is concerned. The meaning of that is: to stand in holiness is to attract the attention and power of God.

Remember this: To stand in holiness is to attract the attention and power of God.

Assignment (s):

  1. Surrender your will to the Will of God

2.Avoid things that can stain your spiritual garment.


Prayer: LORD, I surrender my life to You; let me be useful to You in this end time, LORD in Jesus’ Name.

Quote: You do not maximise your life until you understand the season. Culled from MAKING FULL PROOF OF MINISTRY by Dr Paul Enenche.

Daily Reading: 2 Kings 18:13 to 19:37, Acts 21:1 to 17, Psalm 149:1 to 9, Proverbs 18:8.

Amazing Fact: Butterflies cannot fly if their body temperature is less than 86 degrees centigrade.

Today In History: 1/7/1879 – Charles Taze Russell published the first edition of the religious magazine – The Watchtower

Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), is a powerfully anointed church, headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Dr Paul and Dr Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities.


  1. It is a joy to listen to your anointed teachings sir and ma. More grace for His work. God will continually encourage you.

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