Dunamis’ Daily Devotional – Reigning By Awareness

Topic: Reigning By Awareness [Friday October 6, 2017]

Scripture: My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. Hosea 4:6

Thought For The Day: Every time life is out of control, it is because of the lack of awareness.

From our anchor scripture, we see that God’s people are destroyed, not because of the strength of the devil, but for lack of knowledge. They are not conscious of who they are and the provisions that God has made for them.

When there is lack of awareness, struggle continues. In Luke 15:17-19, it was when the prodigal son became aware of who he was that he got his freedom. Every time life is out of control, it is because of the lack of awareness.

Beloved, for the quality of your life to improve, your mentality must be upgraded; the way you think and what occupies your mind per time must change. Your mindset affects your welfare. What sits on your mind affects how you fare in life.

The Bible says, Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23).

Renewal of mentality must be a conscious effort because whatever does not cross you mind can never cross your life. Even if it crosses your life without your awareness, it cannot be retained because your mind will be too small to handle the breakthrough.

Remember This: Every time life is out of control, it is because of the lack of awareness.


  1. Study the scripture daily in order to discover the provisions that God has for you.

  2. Renew your mind daily and act in accordance to God’s provisions in Scriptures.

Prayer: O LORD, I ask for grace to renew my mind continually in Jesus’ Name.


Daily Reading: Jeremiah 6:16 to 8:7, Colossians 2:8 to 23, Psalm 78:1 to 31, Proverbs 24:26.

Quote: A person that says he cannot learn from God, man, or anything else, cannot be helped. Culled from BE WISE AND RISE by Dr Paul Enenche

Today In History: 06/10/1956 – Dr Albert Sabin discovers oral polio vaccine.

Amazing Fact: The entire life cycle of the butterfly can range between 2-8 months depending on the species.

Don’t Forget To Attend: The Home Church meeting by 6:00pm tomorrow at a Home Church near you. Invite your friends and loved ones.

Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), is a powerfully anointed church, headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Dr Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities.

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