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Dr. Mike Okonkwo – God Is Love

Topic: God Is Love [Thursday January 4, 2018]

“He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” 1 John 4:8 KJV

Love is not optional for the believer. We are not advised to love. Love must be our nature because God is love. When you invited Jesus into your life, the fullness of love came into you. You have the full capacity of love, but you must activate it. When you understand love, you will discover that it is impossible to walk in Christ and not walk in love.

Our scripture for today puts a fine line between us and the world. The world does not have the capacity to love; no wonder the world is being overtaken by hate speeches all over the media. That is because they speak of their father, the devil. However, we cannot talk like the world, because we are not of the world. We speak like our Father and our Father is love. Some believers, because of the challenges they are facing, are now talking as if the world, we cannot allow this. We must be immune by filling ourselves with the consciousness of the love of God. Start your day thinking about the love of God. Meditate on it, speak to yourself about His love and you will see your life radiating the love of God. Think of the fact that He loved you when you are unlovable. Just take five to ten minutes of your day thinking about the love of God and you will see your life radiating His love in a dark world.

Further Reading: 1 John 4:4-8

Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Gen. 10-11 / Evening- Matt.4

Written by Dr. Mike Okonkwo; Is the Presiding Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM); a versatile man of God with over 30 years of dedicated service unto the Lord.



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