God Of The Universe – Anthonia E. Zion

God Of The Universe - Anthonia E. Zion

God Of The Universe By Anthonia E. Zion is a song of worship, thanksgiving to my Yahweh. It acknowledges GODS supremacy as the God Of The Universe Who Holds The Universe In His Hands And He Is In Charge.

Psalm 24:1 says “The earth is the LORD’S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods. “Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD” (Psalm 150:6). For the Lord commandeth and everything was created. He created all things for His pleasure.

The events of the year 2020, did not catch GOD unawares, the GOD OF THE UNIVERSE who created the heavens, the earth, the universe as a whole is very much aware and by HIS Mighty outstretched hand HE continuous to bring deliverance/freedom and victory to us as we worship Him in the midst of the storm and uncertainties.

The bible reminds us that perilous times/ difficult times will arise but in the highs (Mountains) and lows (Valleys) of our lives, we must continue to worship GOD and give HIM thanks. We must not relent in our worship despite the odds. As Paul and Silas who found themselves in captivity for loving and serving GOD did not relent, we shoukd never relent. They prayed and sang in the midst of that storm/in that midnight hour and in the end GOD gave them victory over their enemies. We are victorious in GOD.

Watch Lyrics Video & Download Audio Below; 

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[button type=”default” color=”red” target=”” link=”https://gospelhotspot.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/God-Of-The-Universe-Anthonia-E.-Zion-.mp3″>DOWNLOAD MUSIC



About Anthonia Ezeala 

Anthonia Ezeala aka Daughter of ZION is a UK based minister of the gospel, song writer and motivational speaker. She is a worshipper and a passionate “GOD CHASER”.

Her interest in music started at a very tender age in Nigeria, where she hails from.

She left Nigeria to live in the UK at age 13. Through out the years, she continued her passion for singing by singing in her local church choir. She joined the choir initially as backup chorister and eventually progressed to lead vocalist/lead worshiper.

Anthonia’s convinction is hinged on the strong belief that worship is a thing of the heart. If the mouth moves whilst you are singing and the heart is not bowing then worship is pointless. We must worship God in spirit and in truth and from the heart. This is true worship.”


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