Eternally Grateful ~ Pastor William Kumuyi


Topic: Eternally Grateful [December 24, 2016]

Text: Galatians 3:13-21

Key Verse: “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree” (Galatians 3:13).

A king saved a man from a life of misery and hopelessness and settled him in his opulent palace. He gave the man a well-furnished flat in the mansion. But his guest carved out an exclusive room where he frequented furtively to spend some moments every morning. He allowed no one else there.

The king’s guards considered his movements suspicious and reported to the king that the man was probably planning some evil against the royal family. Confronted, the man meekly showed the king the room. It contained rickety furniture and rags. “What is all this filth?”, the king asked. “And why do you spend hours here everyday?” With tearful eyes, the king’s friend said: “These dirty collections are my cursed past …I come back to it to appreciate the new life you have given me. I come to look at it so I watch over my ways as a check not to go back to that dismal past”.

Jesus Christ delivered us from a greater burden: the excruciating body of death. Apostle Paul traces the work of salvation by faith in Jesus our Lord to the time of the covenant God sealed with Abraham when He promised him a seed. The fulfilment of the promise was based on God’s mercy, His Grace, not our fulfilment of the law. Nor was the law a condition for the working out of the promise. When Christians realise this, our stand shall exceed the sobriety and circumspection of the man in our story. We “shall serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling”. We shall preach the gospel to all creatures and in all nations. If all the world is tarnished with sin, we shall vow not to join the multitude.

If all the world forsakes holiness and opts to drink from the cup of idolatry and iniquity, true believers must stand out in righteousness and show forth the praise of God Who has delivered them from darkness into His marvellous light.

Thought for the day: Show forth God’s praise for having profited from His eternal glory.

Bible Reading in one Year: Revelation 1-3

DCLM Daily Manna was written by Pastor William Folorunso Kumuyi; is the founder and General Superintendent of the Deeper Life Bible Church situated at KM 42 on the busy Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, Nigeria.

Good Success ~ Kenneth Copeland


Topic: Good Success [December 24, 2016]

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt…have good success. Joshua 1:8

Good success is a way of life that comes from being established in the Word of God. It comes from spending so much of your time and your thought life on the Word that it becomes what you and I could call “second nature.” It comes from hearing and obeying the Word so consistently that it begins to guide your actions even when you’re not consciously thinking about it.

When I started flying airplanes, I learned to train myself by getting the handbook for a certain airplane and reading it over and over again. In my mind’s eye, I’d visualize everything that could occur in that airplane. I trained myself by meditating on what I needed to do.

And that’s exactly what I started doing with the Word of God. I thought about it day and night. Before long, I started getting excited about what I was reading.

I’d sit at home and think about how I’d apply the Word in different situations. I’d see myself praying for the sick and having them recover. The Word became “second nature” to me.

Practice meditating on the Word that way. Let it become part of you. See yourself obeying it in every possible circumstance. It will guarantee you “good success.”

Scripture Reading: Psalm 1

This message was written by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, the leader of the Kenneth Copeland Ministries ( that specializes in teaching principles of bible faith – prayer, healing, salvation and other biblical topics.


Once I Was Blind ~ Pastor E.A Adeboye


Topic: Once I Was Blind [Saturday 24, December 2016]

Memorise: He answered and said, Whether he be a sinner or no, I know not: one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see. John 9:25

Read: John 9:1-7 (KJV)

1 And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth.

2 And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?

3 Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.

4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.

5 As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.

6 When he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay,

7 And said unto him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam, (which is by interpretation, Sent.) He went his way therefore, and washed, and came seeing.

Bible in One Year: Leviticus 22:17-24:16, Psalms 133-134


There is a category of people that God is counting on to spread the Gospel to the uttermost parts of the world. We can see how powerful the testimony of a witness could be in our Bible reading today. In Matthew 5:14, Jesus declared all followers of Jesus as the light of the world and He went further in Mathew 5:16 to say:

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”

We are therefore called to be witnesses to the Power of God in our lives, sharing the testimony of His saving Power, Goodness, Mercy, Faithfulness, Love, Blessing, and the Miracles with the people of the world. 1 John 1:5 says:

“This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.”

Many perpetually live in darkness without any hope of deliverance; many are in bondage to sin, sickness, poverty, and lustful desires. God is counting on you to share the testimony of your salvation, healing, deliverance, and victory over demonic powers with somebody today. As you begin to share your experience from today, God will turn you to a mighty beam of light that will shine into the kingdom of darkness to liberate souls that are in bondage in the mighty Name of Jesus.

Testifying to the Glory of God is not only beneficial to others; it also provides an opportunity to destroy the stronghold of the devil in your life. Revelation 12:11 says:

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; ”

One sure way of repelling those who want to drag you into sin is by confronting them with the light of the Gospel. Also, when light shines in a dark environment, all secret activities will be exposed. Do you know that it is possible for you to know the secret thoughts and plans of your enemies before their implementation? To do this, let the light of God’s Word shine in your heart and be full of the Holy Spirit. There is hardly and significant thing that takes place on earth without God first revealing it to one of His confidants (Psalms 25:14). In addition, when light comes, it propels you into action. Not many people want to perform brain tasking assignments when it is dark. If you allow the light of Jesus to shine in your heart, you will be supernaturally propelled to pick up your lost destiny and fulfil it. So, arise and shine, let your light shine bright in the dark places of the earth, share your testimony, let the whole world see what the Lord has done for you.

Prayer Point: Father, please give me a voice; let the whole world hear my testimony very soon.

Open Heavens Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries.

Fresh Fire 2017 – 3Days Ministers Prayer Retreat | 9th – 12th Jan; 2017


The Joint Christian Ministers Crusade aka JCMC or JCMF, annual ministers prayer camping retreat.
JCMC is the body of ministers of all churches with the vision of jointly taking the land for Christ.

JCMC has a very significant role to play in the body of Christ in these last days.  Its main vision is to bring all ministers of God from various churches, ministries and denominations together in unity, to take the land for Jesus Christ.
The Fresh Fire prayer camping retreat is an annual event and this is the seventh edition. The retreat focuses on igniting the hearts of ministers with fresh fire at beginning of the year.
God is interested in us having  proper foundation as new things take off.

The ministers of God are always the target of the devil. The Bible says strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter. This event strengthens the ministers to do better in life and ministries than the previous year.
Annually, we have almost a thousand ministers in attendance, both from within and outside Nigeria.

At the upcoming event, January 9 to 12 2017 (Monday to Thursday), we are expecting almost 2000 ministers and it is free feeding and accommodation for all participants
The guest ministers are experienced and seasoned Servants of God who will highly impact us with the grace God has placed upon their lives.
This conference is open to Bishops, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and heads of various church departments.
Servants of God, don’t forget that God depends on the church to get the world out of darkness into the marvelous light that is in Christ Jesus.  Note that the devil has sneaked into the church and right from the pulpit many are asleep spiritually and physically.

The sign of the end-time, ‘lover of self more than the lover of God’ is already in operation in the life of ministers of God and the congregation. No wonder we are not seeing the power of God as in the days of old.
Do not miss this great occasion with your associates, it is a time of refreshment, your life and ministries shall take a new turn in the manifestation of God’s power, in Jesus’ name.

Date: 9th – 12th Jan; 2017

Time: 11am – 2am

Venue: Redemption Camp, G.O Pastor Forum Holy Ghost Arena

Registration: #3,000 [JCMC Associates | Zenith Bank – 1012778156]
Feeding & Good Accommodation Is Free


David & Kike Aboderin [Host]
Dr. Emiko Amotsuka
Pst. J.F Odeshola
Apostle John Okwok
Apostle Wole Oladiyun
Rev. Yemi Adekunle
Rev. Albert Anina
Mr.s Adun Akinyemiju

Enquiries: +2348022235163 & +2348123155490


Video: Mi Yeruwe – Makpo [@MakpoMusic]


“Growing up, my mum always encouraged I and my 4 siblings to speak our native language – Urhobo. She would engage us with several Urhobo phrases and sentences – particularly, when we needed something from her and she had our full attention. We would respond back to her in English – which was the only language we could speak fluently – mixed with a few Urhobo words that we could quickly make up, sufficient to get us what we wanted. We didn’t realise all the while that her words were sinking in and we were picking up the language. Fast forward 15-20 years later, here I am writing and singing an Urhobo gospel song of praise to God with my mum’s lyrics. Indeed, “Ekpewe vejiro owe…Oghene me…Mi Yeruwe”” – Makpo 

Watch Video & Download Audio Below:


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Music: Jehovah – Dominic [@FAkinsemolu]


DOMINIC – I was busy worshiping my daddy with my tambourine when the popular song, Jehovah landed on my lips. I sang the song over and over and before I knew it, the worship got heavy. I lost myself in worship and words of exhortation and appreciation sprung from my heart. My mouth became saturated with praise. I then picked up my pen to arrange few words I could recollect while worshiping.

My favourite part of the song is;

“How would I have made it
If not you ancient of days
You guided my part
You brought me this far…”

I thank God for the helping me through.
What a mighty God I serve!
I’m humbled daily by the grace and mercy I receive from Jehovah El-Hannu
My entire trust is in Jehovah El-Enurah
I would have perished if not for Jehovah El-Was
My needs are met by Jehovah Rohi
My tomorrow is sure and secured because Jehovah El-Olam reigns
He is Jehovah El-Shaddai and that is why he alone deserves the best of our worship.


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Music: In Your Name – Ada


“In Your Name” is the 5th (fifth) and final single release off Ada‘s forth coming studio album

The energetic and upbeat tune follows up the massively successful singles “Only You Jesus”, “I Testify”, “Jesus” and “Cheta” in a remarkable buildup.

Ada’s 3rd (Third) studio Album is due out by March 2017. “In Your Name” was produced by WillZ, mixed by SWAPS


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Music: I Love You Jehovah – Sammie Okposo


Sequel to the release of  “A prayer ” which was in November, the award-wining singer has stayed true to fulfilling his pledge to bless God with a single every month with the release of this song ( I Love you Jehovah ) until the release of his new album titled “Saved with Amazing Grace” (SWAG) in March 2017.

I Love you Jehovah  is an afrocentric fresh and danceable groove, perfect for expressing love and gratitude to God this season .

Download, Listen, Enjoy and Share!



Music: You Do Well [EP] – Wari Numbere


It’s a season of giving and Wari Numbere gives us the perfect gift to end the year with the release of his EP “You Do Well”. The EP which majority of his fans didn’t see coming months after the release of his successful easter project, contains four power packed songs.

Wari Numbere is known as a leading worship leader with profound vocal ability, however this EP showcasing his versatility is sure to get your hands up, feet on the dance floor and heart, singing in gratitude “You Do Well”.

Download, Listen, Enjoy and Share!




Music: Realms Of Glory – A+ [@Aplus155]


At the midddle of this year, he dropped his first official single “Akinilaya“. A+ is here again with a special Christmas piece titled “Realms of Glory”, making a good name for himself.

The song was inspired by the popular christmas carol written by Scottish poet, James Montgomery “Angels from the realms of glory” .

From that inspiration, Abayomi Austin Makinde, known as A+, works with Femi Bakare in bringing this melodious christmas tune.

The Song is Produced by Kolade Morakinyo, classical hymn meets with hip-hop at christmas.

Download, Listen, Enjoy and Share!


Music: Jehovah – Bukola Anney [@BUKOLAANNEY]


Jehovah is a new song inspired by the Holy Spirit, which will launch you into the realms of wonders through worship.

Bukola Anney is a spirit filled worshipper and a dedicated vessel to the things of God. Her purpose and desire is to see people worship in spirit and in truth and all men come to the knowledge of her Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

I am certain that God will minister to you through this worship ministry.

Download, Listen, Enjoy and Share!


Music: Xmas Flow – Livingstone [@abylivingstone]


Jesus is the REASON for the SEASON and this is why delectable songstress LIVINGSTONE has decided to set up the mood for this festive season by releasing another melodious tune to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ titled “XMAS FLOW”

She featured another great music minister PHILIPAGE, a multi talented act who also produced the new track.

This is a follow up to the success of her last single “PEACE NIGERIA” which was dedicated to the troubles the country was going through and declaration of peace into the nation.


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Music: Your Grace – Sunnypraise [@sunnypraise]


From Loveworld Music & Art label. Sunnypraise returns with another wonderful music single just a few months after his previous release “You Are Beautiful”. He is back with a Great Gospel tune titled “YOUR GRACE” and its packaged with Grace.

Sunnypraise reveals the inspiration behind the song which he says “..was inspired & birth through the Declaration of our man of God pastor Chris Oyakhilome in the month of OCTOBER as our month of INCREASED GRACE. By the leading of the holy spirit this song “YOUR GRACE” came forth.
Thank you sir, for teaching & leading me in the path of God’s increased Grace.…GLORYYY!

Download, Listen, Enjoy and Share!


Music: Oh Come All Ye Faithful – Eloho [@elohoefemuai]


Nigerian-UK Gospel music minister, Eloho still on the heels of her recently released trending collaboration – ‘Praise Jam’ with Sunkey rounds up the year with a brand new Christmas single for the holidays, titled ‘Oh Come All Ye Faithful’. Talk about saving the best for last.

The release of Eloho’s unique version of the popular Christmas tune – ‘Oh Come All Ye Faithful’ comes on a memorable day in the life of the #Unrestrained music minister.
As always, Eloho does not fail to deliver a musical offering that will not only bless but enrich your Spirit man as you listen.

Download, Listen, Enjoy and Share!


Never Without Help ~ Pastor Chris Oyakilome


Topic: Never Without Help [Friday, December 23rd]

I will not leave you as orphans [comfortless, desolate, bereaved, forlorn, helpless]; I will come [back] to you (John 14:18 AMP).

The Greek word for “comfortless” is “orphanos,” meaning helpless or fatherless. Jesus, though in heaven, didn’t leave us helpless. He sent us the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit has come to live in you, and as you yield to Him and trust Him with your life, He’ll make you successful in all things. He’s your unparalleled advantage. Those who don’t recognise and fellowship with Him, struggle through life. They’re the ones constantly in need, pain and defeat.

There’s no need for a Christian to pray, “Oh God, help me,” when he has the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is all the help you need. Asking God for help in that manner is praying from a position of disadvantage; Jesus already said that you have a helper in the Holy Spirit. When you pray with such negativism, there’ll be confusion in your spirit, and Satan would take advantage of your ignorance.

Never say, “Lord, help me”; rather say, “I’m mightily helped of the Lord, because the Holy Spirit—my supreme advantage—lives in me.” It’s the responsibility of the Holy Spirit to lead, guide, strengthen, and teach you the things of the Kingdom of God. But it’s your responsibility to yield to Him and let Him have His way in your life. It’s your responsibility to open your heart to Him and live in, and by His Word.

The Bible says, “Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt…” (Colossians 4:6). This means you should only speak glorious things; words that are consistent with the provisions of the Gospel. Therefore, affirm always that you’re never without help. It makes no difference how riotous the storms get or the intensity of the fire; the Holy Spirit is your refuge and strength—a very present help in the day of trouble.

No wonder He says, “When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee” (Isaiah 43:2).


Dear Father, I acknowledge the precious Holy Spirit you’ve given me; He’s my Comforter, Counsellor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby. I’m mightily helped of you, and therefore confident that my progress, prosperity and advancement is evident, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Further Study: || John 14:26 But the Comforter, [which is] the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. ||

|| Zechariah 4:6 Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This [is] the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts. ||

Daily Scripture Reading

1-Year Bible Reading Plan: Revelation 15,
Zephaniah 1-3

2-Year Bible Reading Plan: Revelation 18:1-12,
Zechariah 1-2

EXTRACT FROM: Rhapsody of Realities Daily Devotional

Go When You’re Ready ~ Kenneth Copeland


Topic: Go When You’re Ready [December 23, 2016]

With long life will I satisfy [you], and show [you] my salvation. Psalm 91:16

Did you know that it’s not God’s will for you or anyone to die young? His will for you is to live the full number of your days. You ought to live 70 or 80 years, and if you are not satisfied, live awhile longer! The Bible says that when Abraham died, he died at a good old age, full of years. That’s the way it ought to be with all of us.

Some believers don’t realize that and they’ve gotten themselves in a mess. When they get sick, instead of just believing for healing, they start wondering if it’s God’s will for them to die. Maybe He’s ready to call me home, they think.

Don’t ever entertain thoughts like that. If God has His way, He won’t call you home until you’re good and ready to come. The Apostle Paul understood that. In 2 Timothy 4:6-7, he said, “For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” Paul didn’t die until he and Jesus were ready for him to go.

Regardless of your age, if the devil is telling you God isn’t going to heal you because it’s time for you to go home, he is lying to you. God promises in Psalm 91:16 that if you are living under the shadow of the Most High, He will satisfy you with long life. (That means that you are abiding in Him as Jesus taught in John 15.)

If you’re not satisfied that you have finished your course yet on this earth, it’s not time for you to die. So ignore the devil and keep right on living. Resist sickness and disease in the Name of Jesus. Stand on God’s promise!

Then, when you’re ready to go on to heaven, go! But go satisfied, healed and ready! Go in victory shouting the words of that old joy-filled song—”Heaven is near and I can’t stay here. Goodbye world, goodbye.”

Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 34

This message was written by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, the leader of the Kenneth Copeland Ministries ( that specializes in teaching principles of bible faith – prayer, healing, salvation and other biblical topics.