Hezekiah Walker Calls Out Gospel Industry Frauds, Respectfully


You’ve probably seen it in church. Maybe at school or at work: With power comes great responsibility and much influence. In it, some stay true to the reason they started, and others stray.

Our prayers are with Bishop Hezekiah Walker who took to social media yesterday (November 3) to address his frustration towards “gatekeepers” who may be abusing their influence.

“Be aware of managers, publicist and teams that will pitch you to compete with other artists or pastors based on negativity and lies that are brought to you by them to boost your ego,” he said.

Without going into detail, Walker shed light on the dangers of idolizing materialistic things, noting that he was “bowing out” of what is assumed to be music industry politics.

If we can offer any positive vibes to Bishop Hez and the alike negativity you may facing right now, it’d be to keep your eyes fixed on God. Work will change, money will change, attitudes will change, people and a whole bunch of other things will change, but God doesn’t. And as long as you’re fixed on Him, nothing else matters because he’ll always make a way. What’s meant for you will be, regardless of the strengthening hiccups during the journey. Did you catch that? Strengthening. Your battles are not by accident. There’s no doubt a lesson in your situation. Just keep putting God first…

Peep Hezekiah Walker’s full message below.

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