I Can See You Fighting My Battles – Endless Joy

I Can See You Fighting My Battles - Endless Joy

Amazing gospel music minister with a wide vocal prowess, Endless Joy offers up a song of praise titled “I Can See You Fighting My Battles.”

The new song, is a song of praise, worship and appreciation declaring God as the Mighty in Battle, Invisible God Internal Jehovah, who is always fighting our battles and defending our cases. He’s nearer than a friend.

This single will offer insight and understanding of God’s work in the life of Believers.

In the singer’s words, “My focus and drive is to use my song to be a channel of blessing to many lives across the globe. It is about recognising that I am a vessel who has been chosen and gifted with a voice and songs simply to bless God and be of blessing to souls.”


“Recognising and continually striving to stay on course as per my gifting has been a pursuit in which I have not allowed the enemy to have the last laugh. Mine is not about fame and finance. My aim in these 15 years has always been to make sure my mouth is not closed. It is opened to glorify God and that has been a propelling force.” – she adds

“My goal is to be seen and known as someone whose gift stays latent and at the level of potential. I don’t want to be a one-talent servant who kept his own talent without putting it to use.” – she says

“This is my sequence:
Sing… sing to bless God
Sing… using my gift to affect lives for God; lend my voice to the Holy Spirit to minister to lives and affect them to the glory of God.”Minster Endless Joy concludes.

Stream & Download Audio Below; 



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