‘I Was Once A Bus Conductor’ – Gabriel Eziashi


The sensational gospel singer who thrilled the over 700 thousand worshiper with his soul lifting local songs at the just concluded Experience 11 tagged revealing Jesus revealed how his journey into the music scene started.

Few hours before the commencement of the main event, Gabriel in a press conference at Eko Hotels Lagos revealed that 16 years ago just around the vicinity of the hotel he had attempted suicide due to the hard ship

His words:

I remember being a bud conductor somewhere around here 16years ago and one day I couldn’t take the suffering anymore and so I walked into an incoming vehicle, but the driver was quick enough to stop. The driver simple said to me “if you want to die go to Jesus”. This marked the turning point for me

Gabriel Eziashi has written and sang many local gospel songs like “Aka ya Aka ya, My praise and a host of others, that are now anthems in many congregations within and outside the country. He is a voice to reckon with and we celebrate how we he has represented the gospel of Christ.

Watch His Ministration At The Experience 2016 Below:


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