Home Devotionals Joyce Meyer – Develop Your Potential And Do Something Now

Joyce Meyer – Develop Your Potential And Do Something Now

Topic: Develop Your Potential And Do Something Now [Sunday September 17, 2017]

Looking at them, Jesus said, With people [as far as it depends on them] it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God. —  Mark 10:27

You may know that God’s created you with great potential, but you can’t stop there. You have to develop your potential.

I believe that many people are unhappy because they aren’t doing anything to develop their potential. If you want to see your potential developed to its fullest, don’t wait until everything is perfect. Do something now. Start laying your hand to whatever is in front of you.

You must give your potential some form by doing something with it. If there is a desire in your heart to try a new opportunity, then step out and find out if God has gifted you to do it. You will never discover all that you are capable of doing if you never try anything.

I want to encourage you to resist fear when you’re taking a step of faith to develop your potential. God’s perfect love casts out fear, so we don’t have to live paralyzed by a fear of failure or making a mistake. And it may feel safe to stay in your familiar comfort zone, but you will never succeed at developing your full potential or being fulfilled in what you are doing. So make a determined decision to step out into what you feel God is leading you to do.

You are full of God-given potential, and He wants to do more through your life than you could ever imagine, but it requires your cooperation. Step out and serve Him wholeheartedly today.

Prayer Starter: Lord, in everything I do, I want to serve You wholeheartedly. Thank You for encouraging me to step out and take action, developing the great potential You have given me.



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