Home Devotionals Joyce Meyer – On-Purpose Thinking

Joyce Meyer – On-Purpose Thinking

Topic: On-Purpose Thinking [Joyce Meyer Devotional 23 April 2019]

But certain individuals have missed the mark on this very matter [and] have wandered away into vain arguments and discussions and purposeless talk. — 1 Timothy 1:6 (AMPC)

The Bible teaches us that our words have power and we get exactly what we speak. Along with that, our thoughts affect our moods and attitudes. In other words, your attitude in life affects your altitude in life, meaning your attitude determines how far you can go in life—how far you can go in pursuing your dreams, relationships, business, etc.

Your thoughts and my thoughts will determine the kind of lives we will have in the future. And you don’t have to think about and focus on whatever falls into your head. You can think things on purpose. Sometimes, it is good to just sit down and have a think session. And then it’s good to have a confession session. After almost 40 years of knowing these things, I still have to practice them daily. Be determined to maintain good thoughts.

Prayer Starter: Lord, I want to be more purposeful with my thoughts and words. Holy Spirit, please help me today and every day to be more conscious about what I choose to think and say. Help me to line up my thoughts with Your Word. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



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