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Joyce Meyer – Let People Know They’re Infinitely Valuable

Topic: Let People Know They’re Infinitely Valuable [Sunday January 14th, 2018]

I have discovered that most people we meet or come in contact with in our everyday lives don’t have a sense of their infinite value as children of God. I think the devil works very hard to make people feel devalued and worthless, but we can neutralize the effect of his lies and accusations by building up, encouraging and edifying people.

One way to do this is with a sincere compliment, which is one of the most valuable gifts in this world. Offering a sincere compliment may seem like a small thing, but it gives tremendous strength to people who feel insecure or like they don’t matter much.

I believe in having goals, and as I was working with God to develop good habits in the area of encouraging others, I challenged myself to compliment at least three people each day. I recommend that you do something similar to help you become an aggressive encourager.

The Bible says that God adopts as His children those who feel abandoned. Let’s find those people and strive to build them up, making them feel valuable. Let’s let them know God loves them.

Prayer Starter: Holy Spirit, show me the people who don’t know that God loves them as His own children. Bring me across their paths so that I can encourage them and make them feel valuable.



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