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TREM Devotional – Let’s Gather With Jesus

TREM Devotional 15 May 2018 By Dr. Mike Okonkwo – Let’s Gather With Jesus

Topic: Let’s Gather With Jesus [Tuesday May 15, 2018]

“He that is not with me is against me; he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.” –Matthew 12:30 KJV

Everyone has an area of influence. If every person who is a leader in a particular church, whose life has been impacted, will influence their circle of influence; the result will be amazing. An accountant will raise up cells of accountants. A doctor raises up cells of doctors. An entrepreneur raises up cells of entrepreneurs. This will result in the church having diverse people with different professions and different fields of life. That is the divine mandate.

Beloved, I want you to know that you don’t retire from the things of God. If God retires from you, would you survive? Every one of us should be pastor of a micro church. A cell group is a micro-church. That is where you start to lead and as you begin to develop and the cells multiply before you know it you are managing a whole province and that’s a huge responsibility on its own.

Idleness is the reason why many believers today are looking for what is not important and only involved in finding mistakes. Which church does not make mistake? There is no church that does not have a fault. God is still working in every church. I happen to know this after 46 years in ministry. In actual fact, no matter how perfect a church is, the day you join, you will introduce imperfection, because you are not perfect.

So, don’t be in the company of strange children, whose hands are not stretched out to help but to destroy. Strange children are not needed in the house of God. Don’t pull down the church you belong to. You should be proud of your ministry.

Our scripture today should give you a reason to fear: if you are not gathering with Him, then you are scattering. Do you know where that puts you? It puts you at variance with God. How can you withstand that? Stop and think, retrace your steps, if need be, and become a builder.

Further reading: Psalm 144

Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 2 Kings 22-23; Evening- John 4:31-54

Written by Dr. Mike Okonkwo; Is the Presiding Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM); a versatile man of God with over 30 years of dedicated service unto the Lord.



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