[Music + Lyrics] Bayo Daniels – Afresh

Bayo Daniels - AfreshNigerian UK-Based Gospel Artist, Bayo Daniels has released a new single titled “Afresh“.

Bayo Daniels released his first album, titled “The Walk” in 2016, which featured various UK-Based artists such as Alessandra, Tayme Tee, Estah and Remi Odumesi.  This album has touched lives across the globe, revealing Jesus to the world.

Afresh: This song is a call for the fresh fire of the Holy Ghost to transform lives and to mend every crooked ways.

Jesus said in “John 14:16-18 –

“And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; [17] Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. [18] I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.”

The song highlights a desire for the fresh power of the Holy Ghost, and it will stir you up to receiving the baptism of the Spirit of God.

Bayo Daniels is known for consulting for other gospel artists and currently serves in the choir at Winners Chapel International, London.

Through this song you will experience the touch of God in all you do.

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Lyrics: Afresh By Bayo Daniels

We Need Your Power
We Need Your Glory
Fall Afresh On Us

Lord I Need
A Fullness of Your Grace
Let Your Holy Fire
Consume Me Today

Renew, Revive Me Lord
I’m Asking This Day
Quench This Thirst Oh Lord
With Your Spirit Once Again

We Need Your Power
We Need Your Glory
Fall Afresh On Us

Oh Oh Oh
Oh Oh Oh
Oh Oh Oh
Oh Oh

Let It Fall
Let It Rain
Let It Fall
Afresh On Us

Your Grace
Your Power
Your Fire
Afresh On Us

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