RCCG 2018 Fast: Day 14 Prayer Points | #RCCGFAST2018

RCCG 2018 Fast: Day 14 Prayer Points • RCCG 80 Days Fasting & Prayer

Significant Goliaths Hindering The Purpose Of God For Nigeria Must Fall

  1. Father, thank You for Your love for Nigeria, thank You for giving us the victory through Christ Jesus.

  2. In accordance to the word in Jeremiah 18:8, we bring repentance concerning our nation, we confess and repent of every iniquity in the land. We repent from nepotism, kidnappings, ritual killings, corruption, idolatry and bloodshed. We ask for Your mercy in Jesus name.

  3. I stand in the word in Zachariah 9:11-12, I plead the Blood of Jesus over the land of Nigeria. By the Blood of Jesus, Nigeria is delivered from every form of prison doors that has held our nation captive for too long.

  4. I pull down every altar of iniquity, wastage, oppression and lack of vision in Nigeria by the Blood of Jesus. Nigeria is sanctified by the Blood of Jesus!

  5. I stand in the word in Psalm 24:7-9 and I decree, every everlasting gate, powers of darkness, spirit of Cain, ethnic gate, occultic gate, and spirit of the bond woman raised against our nation, I decree, lift up your heads oh ye gates, and be ye lifted up ye everlasting doors and let the King of Glory come into every area and sector of Nigeria.

  6. I declare in accordance to the word in Isaiah 10:1, I revoke every unrighteous decree. Father, intervene in all legislative processes in our nation in Jesus name.

  7. As surely as the Lord lives, every Goliath standing against the plan of God for Nigeria will lose his or her head in Jesus name.

I declare over our nation, Nigeria shall arise and shine, for the glory of the LORD shall be upon Nigeria. I decree in the name of Jesus, the glory of the LORD shall be seen in Nigeria.

Nations shall come to our light, kings of nations shall come to the brightness of our rising. I decree in the name of Jesus, no weapon fashioned against us as a nation will prosper. Every representation of modern day Pharaoh, Herod, and Goliath in Nigeria shall fall in Jesus name.

I bring the judgement of God upon any individual or group of people sponsoring chaos, disorder or plotting evil agenda against our nation Nigeria. I decree in the name of Jesus, anyone that is hindering the purpose of God for Nigeria, shall go down for our nation in Jesus name.

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