RCCG 2018 Fast: Day 13 Prayer Points | #RCCGFAST2018

RCCG 2018 Fast: Day 13 Prayer Points • RCCG 80 Days Fasting & Prayer

Grace To Live A Life Pleasing Unto God To Fulfill Purpose Text : Colossians 1:10

“That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;”

  1. Father, in the name of Jesus, thank You for granting me grace to live a life worthy of praise and pleasing unto the LORD.

  2. Father, help my unbelief and increase my faith. I declare in the name of Jesus, no matter the evil going on around me, I will stand for the Kingdom of Jesus in my area of influence. I will bring down and enforce His Kingdom into my world in Jesus name.

  3. I declare, in 2018, I will be led by the Spirit of God; my spirit man will be in control, I will not give room to the desires of the flesh in Jesus name.

  4. I confess in the name of Jesus, the LORD will make me complete in every good work to do His will; working in me what is well pleasing in His sight

  5. Father, inspire our members to be more committed in sowing towards the speedy completion of the 3 by 3 Auditorium and the Trinity Towers in Jesus name.

  6. Father in the name of Jesus, let us experience Your signs and wonders as we stay focus towards the completion of the building projects in Jesus name.

• I confess in the name of Jesus, before I was formed, the LORD knew me; before I was born, I was sanctified by God, and ordained for a specific purpose. In the name of Jesus, I receive grace to walk in alignment with the plan of God for my life.
• I declare, I have clarity of mind, I have capacity to think, I have unhindered access to divine strategies for my life in the name of Jesus!
• I rebuke every spirit of procrastination, laziness and hopelessness. I cast out of my life feelings of weakness, unworthiness, depression, infirmity, mental and emotional disorders, and lack of precision and focus in Jesus name.
• I declare in the name of Jesus, I will fulfill the purpose of God for my life.
• I confess in the name of Jesus, as the countdown to the end has started, Nigeria and the Nation of Israel will fulfill purpose!
• I declare over Nigeria, the head of the significant Goliath holding our nation captive shall fall in Jesus name!


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