Home Devotionals Rhapsody Of Realities ~ Heirs Of The Abrahamic Blessings

Rhapsody Of Realities ~ Heirs Of The Abrahamic Blessings

Topic: Heirs Of The Abrahamic Blessings 

Opening Verse: ” so that Abraham’s blessing would have for the pagans his fulfillment in Jesus Christ, and that we would reçussions the spirit that had been promised (Galates 3:14)._*”

You are heir to Abraham’s blessing. No matter how hostile you are, you will always win! You will always prosper, because you have the inherent ability to prosper. You have received grace for excellence. Christ in you is your power to condition your environment to produce the results you want.

When the children of Israel departed from Egypt, they transportèrent their own atmosphere. In the desert, the presence of God was with them so that they did not perish in the desert despite the fact that they remained there for forty years. Psalm 105:37 said: ” he brought out his people with money and gold, and no one would be among his tribes.” and néhémie 9:21 said: ” for forty years, you have filled in their maintenance in The Desert, and they did not miss anything, their clothes did not usèrent, and their feet did not enflèrent.” if this could have happened in the Old Testament, imagine what blessings we have today in Jesus name !

The Bible says Christ, to whom we belong, and under whom we are the seed of Abraham, is the mediator of a better alliance, established on better promises (Hébreux 8:6). It becomes even more glorious, because all These “Best promises” have all been accomplished in Christ.

What we have today is a life of bénédictions blessings. You are blessed beyond any measure. Failure, disease, infirmity, lack and death are not and should not be part of your life. It is impossible for you to be poor or échouiez, because as the seed of Abraham, you are established to succeed. Fertility and productivity have become your birthright.

  • Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for the demonstrations of your kindness and kindness in my life. As the seed of Abraham, I walk in justice, victory, health and domination today, aware that I am blessed to be a blessing in the name of Jesus. Amen.*

In-depth study:
|| Galates 3:8-9 || Romans 8:17 || Ephésiens 3:6 ||

|| Galates 3:8-9 LSG
8. Also writing, stipulating that God would justify the pagans by faith, has in advance announced this good news to Abraham: all nations will be blessed in you!
9. So that those who believe are blessed with Abraham the believer. ||

|| * Romans 8:17 LSG *
17. Gold, if we are children, we are also heirs: heirs of God, and cohéritiers of Christ, if we are suffering with him, in order to be glorifiés with him. ||

|| * Ephésiens 3:6 LSG *
6. This mystery is that the pagans are cohéritiers, form the same body, and participate in the same promise in Jesus Christ by the gospel, ||

  • READ THE BIBLE IN 1 year *:
    || Actes 17:1-15 || Job 3-5 ||

  • READING THE BIBLE IN 2 years *:
    || Luke 6:31-38 || Deuteronomy 32 ||



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