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Seeds Of Destiny Devotional – Living In Joy – A Doorway To Divine Health

Paul EnencheTopic: Living In Joy – A Doorway To Divine Health [Seeds of Destiny 26 April 2019 Devotional]

Living in joy is living with strength, but living in depression is invitation for both oppression and affliction.

SCRIPTURE: A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. –Proverbs 17:22

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Living in joy is living with strength, but living in depression is invitation for both oppression and affliction.

One of the greatest assets of any human being is the asset of health. That is why it has been said that health is wealth. It does not matter how much money you have, if you are not healthy, it is a waste of wealth.

Living in Divine health is God’s Will for His children. Divine health is living free of sickness or living in the state of health by the Power of God.

As children of God, there are things we need to do in order to enjoy Divine health from God. One of them is living in Joy.

It is medically proven that when joy increases in the body, there are some hormones that are produced referred to as ‘happy hormones’ that improve the health and wellbeing of the body.

Living in joy or merriment is living on spiritual medication because joy has curative or therapeutic power. Living in joy is living with strength, but living in depression is invitation for both oppression and affliction (Psalm 42:11).

Determine to maintain your joy at all cost. Enjoy where you are to get to where you are going. Kill depression at all cost. Do not wait for anyone to celebrate you, celebrate yourself!

REMEMBER THIS: Living in joy is living with strength, but living in depression is invitation for both oppression and affliction.


  1. Maintain the atmosphere of joy around your life all the time.
  2. Reject and desist from anyone and anything that seek to steal your joy.

PRAYER: O Lord, thank You for the joy in my heart. I resist anything that tends to tamper with my joy, Lord in Jesus’ Name.


QUOTE: An unstable heart is an unstable life, and a stable heart equals a stable life. Culled from 15 KINGDOM STRATEGIES FOR SURVIVAL by Dr Paul Enenche

DAILY READING: Judges 4:1 to 5:31, Luke 22:35 to 53, Psalm 94:1 to 23, Proverbs 14:3 to 4

Today’s devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Po



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