Home Devotionals Seeds Of Destiny Devotional – The Goodness Of Vision

Seeds Of Destiny Devotional – The Goodness Of Vision

Paul EnencheTopic: The Goodness Of Vision [Seeds of Destiny 19 April 2019 Devotional]

Vision is the vehicle that takes a person from his present location to his future destination.

SCRIPTURE: Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. Proverbs 29:18

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Vision is the vehicle that takes a person from his present location to his future destination.

I have defined vision as the picture of a preferred future. It is the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination and wisdom. Vision employs the tools of imagination, foresight, perception, inspiration, discernment, creativity, inventiveness, innovation and far-sightedness to conceive and construct both the picture and reality of a desirable future.

One of the things that greatly contributes to living a successful life on earth is vision. Vision is a guarantee of the future. Vision is the vehicle that takes a person from his present location to his future destination. Vision is critical to possession; it also enhances wellbeing and enthusiasm in life. If you know what you are living for, life becomes meaningful, valuable and exciting. Vision makes life worth living. The life of vision makes it clear that you are not wasting your life.

Beloved, understand that life without vision becomes a burden. People get tired of living if there is no reason to live for. Time becomes burdensome; they wake up in the morning tired and go back to sleep tired.

Today, I pray for you that your vision for living will always be positive, practicable and alive. May you always have something to live for, something great ahead of you to achieve, something greater yet to be realised, in Jesus’ Name.

REMEMBER THIS: Vision is the vehicle that takes a person from his present location to his future destination.


  1. Ask God to reveal to you the vision of your life if you are yet to discover it
  2. Pursue your vision passionately and wholeheartedly

PRAYER: O Lord, I ask for the grace to discover and pursue my vision passionately and wholeheartedly. I resist every distraction on the path to fulfilling my destiny, Lord in Jesus’ Name.


QUOTE: Principles are stronger than principalities, especially when those principles are handed down from Heaven. Culled from BE WISE AND RISE by Dr Paul Enenche

DAILY READING: Joshua 19:1 to 20:9, Luke 19:28 to 48, Psalm 88:1 to 18, Proverbs 13:12 to 14

Today’s devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities



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