Seeds Of Destiny Devotional – Who Is A Meek Person?

Seeds Of Destiny Devotional

Dunamis Seeds Of Destiny 4 August 2022 Devotional By Dr. Paul Enenche: Who Is A Meek Person?


TOPIC: Who Is A Meek Person? (Seeds Of Destiny 4 August 2022)

SCRIPTURE: The meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way. Psalms 25:9.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: A meek person is someone who is not ashamed to turn back when he realises that he has made a wrong move.


It has been confirmed that the quality of meekness is key to accessing Divine Direction. Pride on the other hand, is an enemy of Divine Direction.

The Scripture makes it clear that Moses was meeker than everyone in his generation, and he heard God more than everyone else in his generation. He encountered God more than everyone in his generation (Numbers 12:3-8).

Now, who is a meek person? He or she is someone who is not ashamed to turn back when he realises that he has made a wrong move. A meek person says, “This move I made is a wrong move, so I must make a U-turn.” No matter how far you have gone in the wrong direction, make a U-turn when you discover you are wrong. This is meekness!

You see, there are people who packed their luggage and travelled out of this country, Nigeria to the United Kingdom or the United States of America. But on the first day of their arrival in the UK or the US, everything inside them said, “You are in the wrong place. You have made a wrong move. You are in a wrong location,” and immediately their peace was lost. Their joy was lost.

Everything around them looks as dry as the Sahara Desert. But they would not make a U-turn to come back home because of what people would say. They say to themselves, “What will people say if I go back home? Will people not say that I am confused? Is it not the same America that other people are succeeding? I will remain here.”

This is a proof of bankruptcy of meekness! They would prefer to die with the wrong step than make a U-turn.

Beloved, determine never to live your life like that. Always be ready to make a U-turn whenever you realize you are on a wrong path.

Remember this: A meek person is someone who is not ashamed to turn back when he realises that he has made a wrong move.


  1. Resist every spirit of arrogance.
  2. Be teachable. Be humble. Be meek.

PRAYER: Thank You Lord for showing me the quality of meekness as posture to accessing Divine Direction. I ask for the Spirit of meekness, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.


QUOTE: If you want to be a friend of God; if you want to come into unusual favour with Him, take yourself to the place of humility. Drop that proud shoulder of yours and come to a place of helplessness with God. Culled from “WHO ARE YOU?” by Dr Paul Enenche.


AMAZING FACT: Your enamel is the hardest substance in your body.

PROPHETIC WORD/DECLARATION: The Lord guide your steps against the wrong moves in Jesus’ Name.

Today’s devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities.

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