Home News Teddy And Tina Campbell: Don’t Rely On Sex To Fix Your Marriage

Teddy And Tina Campbell: Don’t Rely On Sex To Fix Your Marriage

Teddy and Tina Campbell kicked off their first web series, 10 Minutes with Teddy and Tina on Tuesday, and the couple didn’t hold back.  During the episode the couple revealed how they tried to use sex to fix their marriage, and it didn’t work.  Tina said it this way,”It becomes a coping mechanism. It becomes a cover-up,” she revealed. “It becomes a way to evade or avoid dealing with the underlying issues. You just do whatever it takes to make yourself feel good and I don’t really have to face myself and deal with myself.”

Tina continued,

“You try to fix it all with sex … when it’s new everything is good. But when you had it, you’re comfortable, you know what it is and it’s not solving all the problems like it used to,” Tina said. “It’s an escape, not a solution.

Check out the episode below:




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