Dunamis’ Daily Devotional – The Power Of A Clear Conscience

Topic: The Power Of A Clear Conscience [Tuesday August 29, 2017]

Scripture: And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men. Acts 24:16.

Thought For The Day: When the conscience is clear, guidance is easy.

A major secret of life is anchored on two major things: a conscience that is clear with God and a conscience that is clear with man. If our relationship with God and man is clear, reaching where we are meant to reach and becoming what we are meant to become on earth is a certainty.

With this in mind, the enemy has decided to constantly organize diversities of situations to make us offend God and to cause our hearts to be bottled up with offences towards our fellow human beings, even the brethren.

Now, what makes a clear conscience powerful?

  1. A clear conscience imparts the boldness of faith in a person’s life (Proverbs 28:1). A clear conscience equals strong confidence at the place of prayer and in life generally.

So, anything that makes God not to be happy with you is indirectly fighting the boldness of your faith. Whoever and whatever constitutes an offence in your heart is tampering with your boldness and confidence towards God.

  1. A clear conscience gives one access to Divine direction. When the conscience is clear, guidance is easy; and when guidance is lost, disaster is inevitable. In Proverbs 20:27, the Bible says, ‘The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD,…’. So, when the spirit is injured by offence, it cannot function effectively.

Beloved, anytime someone comes your way to constitute an offence, he is fighting your direction, and the accuracy of your spirit; resist the temptation and refuse to habour bitterness.

Remember this: When the conscience is clear, guidance is easy.

Assignment (s):

  1. Disengage from anything that displeases God in your life.

  2. Forgive anyone who offended you.


Prayer: O LORD, I receive the grace to forgive those who offended me. Give me a heart of love, LORD, in Jesus’ Name.

Daily Reading: Job 31:1 to 33:33, 2 Corinthians 3:1 to 18, Psalm 43:1 to 5, Proverbs 22:8 to 9

Quote: Our ability or inability to forgive, affects our lives in eternity. Culled from AM I BITTER? by Dr Becky Enenche.

Amazing Fact: Earth’s atmosphere is the only atmosphere discovered till date that humans can breathe in.

Today In History: 29/8/1831 – Michael Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction.

Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), is a powerfully anointed church, headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Dr Paul and Dr Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities.

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