TREM Devotional – Fill Your Space And Be Productive

Dr. Mike Okonkwo TREMTopic: Fill Your Space And Be Productive [TREM Devotional 28 January 2019]

“Then said he unto the dresser of his vineyard, Behold, these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and find none: cut it down; why cumbereth it the ground”? Luke 13:7 KJV

According to this parable, as recorded in the 13th chapter of the book of Luke, a certain man had a fig tree planted but it was not fulfilling its purpose. It was not bearing fruits! The whole essence of life is purpose. Everything about you and indeed everything about life is tied to purpose. The owner of the vineyard said ‘why is it occupying the ground?’ Beloved, you have a responsibility to fill your space and be productive there. Don’t just be there as a number. No! You must be a valuable number that is doing something and adding value to your family, your society, your business, and adding value where you are employed.

Being productive and fulfilling purpose will not just happen. The vinedresser said: “I will dung it”. In other words, I will work on it. I am ready to dirty my hands. I am ready to do extra work on it. I am ready to stretch myself. I am not going to leave it the way it is. No! I will do more things. I am going to look for areas to get it better. I am going to pay the price if need be. I am going to fast and pray. I am going to make a sacrifice. I am going to consult people. That is how to become productive and fruitful.

Often times, Christians are guilty of trying to be spiritual in areas where they ought to use their brains. Why, for instance, do you want to drive a car, or drive a taxi when you have not thoroughly learnt how to drive? Someone would say ‘the Holy Ghost will make me drive.’ It is not true! You will end up killing people. Let us remember, beloved, that life is involved here. In everything we do, we should endeavour to always do something extra.

Further Reading: Luke 13: 6-9, John 15:16

Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Exodus 19-20 / Evening- Matthew 18:21-35

Written by Dr. Mike Okonkwo; Is the Presiding Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM); a versatile man of God with over 30 years of dedicated service unto the Lord.

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