DevotionalsTREM Devotional

TREM Devotional – Increase Your Capacity

Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Wisdom For The Day Devotional 18 February 2025 By Bishop Mike Okonkwo – Increase Your Capacity


TOPIC: Increase Your Capacity (TREM Devotional 18 February 2025)

“Then he said, Go, borrow thee vessels abroad of all thy neighbours, even empty vessels; borrow not a few.” (2 Kings 4:3 KJV)


Beloved, you need to increase your capacity. You can no longer afford to do small things. Look around you, the rest of the world is making giant strides and taking territories. So why would believers, the ones who have the dominion mandate, do any less? The time has come for you to arise and take your place.

God intends for the believer to be at the forefront of the different sectors in our society. But if you do not have the capacity to receive the mighty things that God has released, then although, that is God’s will for you, your lack of capacity will place a cap on His supply.

The widow found herself in a terrible situation. Not only was she mourning her husband, who was a committed and devoted prophet, she also had to deal with the bad debt which her husband left behind for the family. Now the creditors had come to take her two sons as slaves as payment for the debt. She ran to meet the Prophet Elisha, seeking a divine intervention. He asked her what she had in the house, and she told him nothing except a small flask of oil. Then Prophet Elisha instructed her to go and borrow vessels. If you read carefully, he said, “…borrow not a few.” Did you see that? In other words, don’t borrow one, two, or five vessels, but borrow as many as you can lay your hands on because your capacity determines the extent of the supply.

Child of God, you serve an Unlimited God. There is no limit to His supply. So, why are you coming to Him with a little vessel? Your God is the Almighty, the possessor of all things. Everything belongs to your Father. Why do you approach Him with a beggarly mindset, asking for little shack, when He can give you territories? You determine what you receive! If you approach God with a bottle or a drum, He will fill it. So, the onus lies on you to increase your capacity.

2 Kings 1-7

Morning – Leviticus 23-24; Evening – Mark 1:1-22

Wisdom For The Day Devotional was Written by Dr. Mike Okonkwo; Is the Presiding Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM); a versatile man of God with over 30 years of dedicated service unto the Lord.

the authorAyodele Smart
King Ayo Smart is a Social Media Strategist & a Minister Of The Gospel! I'm also a widely online publisher, leading the revolution in Gospel Media #KingdomBlogger

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