TREM Devotional – Recount God’s Marvelous Act

Dr. Mike Okonkwo TREM

TREM Devotional 11 December 2021 Daily Devotional By Bishop Mike Okonkwo – Recount God’s Marvelous Act

TOPIC: Recount God’s Marvelous Act

“Oh give thanks to the LORD; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples!” Psalm 105:1

Today, I need you to stop and look around you and see God’s goodness. When you see the level of evil going on in the world, you would realize how God protected you by His grace.

I want to challenge you to do something unusual: Pick your phone and call up a family member or friend and share a testimony. It can be your personal testimony or on behalf of a friend or a loved one. You can also text. By doing this, you will trigger praise in the heart of the recipient and soon, many more will be sharing the goodness of God. Yes, decide that every message you share will be about the goodness of God. Use your phone to make His deeds known.

The truth is that you cannot take time to appreciate God’s goodness and still be downcast. Depression cannot stay in the same heart with praise. Like I have said many times, depression comes from looking down; don’t let the devil make you bow your head. Your Father is God, He is in absolute control and He loves you unconditionally. Above it all, He makes all things work together for your good.

Rather than recount the challenges, recount His goodness. Rather than give the devil the credit he does not deserve, give God the praise due His name. Use all your social media handles to share the goodness of God. Decide that you will deliberately tell of His goodness. Don’t do it because you feel like it; do it because it is the right thing to do and as you do, every weight that had weighed you down will lift. Even those things that you think are now impossible will begin to fall in place in your life because when praises go up, blessings come down. God inhabits the praises of His people and where God is, miracles become the norm. Don’t wait until you feel like it; start today and see the difference it makes in your life.

Further Reading:
Psalm 105:1-45

Daily Bible Reading:
Morning – Hosea 5-8
Evening – Revelation 2

Written by Dr. Mike Okonkwo; Is the Presiding Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM); a versatile man of God with over 30 years of dedicated service unto the Lord.

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