Home Devotionals TREM Devotional – What You Believe Is What Will Manifest

TREM Devotional – What You Believe Is What Will Manifest

Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Wisdom For The Day Devotional 28 September 2023 By Bishop Mike Okonkwo – What You Believe Is What Will Manifest

TOPIC: What You Believe Is What Will Manifest (TREM Devotional 28 September 2023)

“Who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?” Isaiah 53:1 (NKJV)


Today, I’ve come to ask you: Whose report do you believe? Do you believe you are who God says you are? Do you believe that His promises are yours? Do you believe what situations and challenges are saying to you? It does not require faith to believe in defeat, failure, or lack. You don’t need faith to be afraid, they are more often in line with your experience. However, faith is required to believe in victory. You need faith to believe in God for your healing and provisions. The just shall live by faith. And faith pleases God. We are called believers because we believe in God.

Beloved, whatever you believe is what will manifest. So, if you want to know what you believe, check through your life, and find out what is manifesting, then you will know exactly what you believe. Believing the report of the Lord is what it takes for the arm of the Lord to be revealed. You cannot go on believing wrongly and expect that good things to be made manifest. No! It does not work that way. I know that things might not be going right. I know there are difficulties and challenges facing you. But in the midst of that, you must hold on to what God’s Word says concerning you, and never let go. Even in the face of contradictory evidence, you are who God says you are. You have what He says you have. You can do what He says you can do; only believe. Your part is not to know how it will happen. Your part is to believe what He says, and He will figure out how to bring it to pass.

“And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.” (Luke 1:38 KJV). What are you going to believe and what are you going to say about your life? Remember that you will have what you say! So, don’t believe the devil’s lies!

Matthew 9:27-30; Luke 1:26-38; Romans 1:17

Morning – Isaiah 5-6; Evening – Ephesians 1

Wisdom For The Day Devotional was Written by Dr. Mike Okonkwo; Is the Presiding Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM); a versatile man of God with over 30 years of dedicated service unto the Lord.



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