DevotionalsTREM Devotional

TREM Devotional – You Are Called To Do The Works That Jesus Did

Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Wisdom For The Day Devotional 9 January 2025 By Bishop Mike Okonkwo – You Are Called To Do The Works That Jesus Did


TOPIC: You Are Called To Do The Works That Jesus Did (TREM Devotional 9 January 2025)

“Verily, verily I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also;” (John 14:12 KJV)


The key word in our scripture today is ‘believe’. It is he that believes! It is when you believe that you can do it. These words fell from the lips of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. He cannot lie. “Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.” (Mark 13:31 KJV) Now, the question is how exactly can a believer prove the veracity of these words? The answer is: Believe! Believe what the word of God says. That is the only way. Don’t begin to figure in your mind whether it will be so, or not. Just believe it. We are called to believe. That is why we are called believers. God is the one speaking and He does not lie. Do what He says and expect to see the manifestation.

Mary told the servants, “…Whatsoever He saith unto you, do it.” (John 2:5 KJV) In other words, believe whatsoever He says and act out what you believe. That is how to partake of the miracles of God. What you read in the Bible, do it. In the early 70’s, when the revival hit our nation, people were doing all kinds of crazy things and getting results. New believers were doing all kinds of things and challenging principalities and power. That was why the gospel spread the way it spread and churches began to spring up everywhere. They just believed whatever they read in the Bible.

The Word of God declares that believers shall lay hands on the sick, and the sick shall recover. (Mark 16:18) Notice that Jesus didn’t say bishops will lay hands on the sick. He said the believer. But until we begin to lay hands in faith on the sick, we will never see the manifestation of the healing power of God.

God is charging you today to cast aside all fears and doubt and step out in faith to do His bidding and you will see His awesome power manifest through you.

Acts 1:8; 3:1-16

Morning: Genesis 23-24; Evening: Matthew 7

Wisdom For The Day Devotional was Written by Dr. Mike Okonkwo; Is the Presiding Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM); a versatile man of God with over 30 years of dedicated service unto the Lord.

the authorAyodele Smart
King Ayo Smart is a Social Media Strategist & a Minister Of The Gospel! I'm also a widely online publisher, leading the revolution in Gospel Media #KingdomBlogger

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