Home Devotionals TREM Devotional – Your Part Is To Believe

TREM Devotional – Your Part Is To Believe

Dr. Mike Okonkwo TREM

Wisdom For The Day Devotional 25 October 2022 By Bishop Mike Okonkwo – Your Part Is To Believe

TOPIC: Your Part Is To Believe (TREM Devotional 25 October 2022)

“Jesus said to him, if you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” Mark 9:23 (NKJV)


Many are trying to pre-empt God. They try to figure Him out in a particular situation they have encountered. You see, trying to understand the way and manner God does His things will lead to a waste of time because nobody can play God. He does His own things in His own time and in His own way. Your part is to believe in God. All things are possible to him that believes. How He will do it is not your business.

Sometimes we need to be crazy for God! How? By just being stupid in such a way that even when people call you a fool for believing God, your response will be, I still believe Him. For us to develop strong trust in God, notwithstanding the circumstances, we need to take time to meditate on the word of God so that it will take root in us. Meditation is deeper than memorization of the word. Meditation grounds the scripture deeply into you. It is good to memorize. But take it further by meditating so that you can plant it.

Also declare what you have meditated on because faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Keep saying the word to yourself until it becomes one with you; for out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.

Out of your bellies shall flow rivers of living water.

We have a lot of people who memorize the scriptures, but they are not speaking Rhema. The scriptures coming out of the womb of your spirit through your mouth is such that will do damage to satan’s kingdom; The word has to come from the womb and not from your head. Plant the word. The word is a seed. Plant it in your spirit because it has the capacity to produce anything that God says that it will produce. Every ingredient necessary to ensure that the word of God comes to the past and produces is in us. Your part is to believe it.

Further Reading:
Mark 5:25-43

Daily Bible Reading:
Morning – Jeremiah 6-8
Evening – 1 Timothy 5

Wisdom For The Day Devotional was Written by Dr. Mike Okonkwo; Is the Presiding Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM); a versatile man of God with over 30 years of dedicated service unto the Lord.



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