RCCG 2016 Annual Holy Ghost Congress Welcome Message | Complete Restoration


We thank the Almighty God for sparing our lives to see another Holy Ghost Congress, another opportunity to celebrate Jesus – the Calmer of Storms and the Great Restorer.

I thank God for preserving your life and for making it possible for you to be part of this congress.
The Lord will reward your faith and your expectations shall not be cut short in Jesus’ name!

When God restores, what He gives back is always more than what is lost. When He speaks of Complete Restoration, it is far greater than what has been lost. And Hos word is Yeah and Amen! Your complete restoration is a settled matter. You are about to take back all that you have ever lost and more.

But you have your own part to play. The Congress is a celebration of Jesus.

It is a celebration, and yet, a serious affair. It is not a time for idle chatter or aimless roaming around the auditorium. It is a time to worship the Lord intensely, pay attention to His word, seek His face and pray with thanksgiving and a genuinely repentant and expectant heart.
There will be time for personal petitions and intercessions for families, the body of Christ and the nations. Seize the opportunity of these six days of the congress to cry out unto the Lord. He assures us of speedy answers.

The morning, afternoon and evening sessions are specially designed for you. Check the daily events sections for the details. It is a complete restoration. Divinely inspired messages await you at all the sessions. You shall not miss your blessings as you give God full attention at this Congress in Jesus’ name.

It give me great joy to welcome you to this 19th edition of the Holy Ghost Congress.
Welcome to the Congress of Complete Restoration

Pastor E.A Adeboye
General Overseer, the RCCG


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