CAC Living Water Daily Devotional – It Is In You

CAC Living Water Daily Devotional

CAC Living Water Daily Devotional |  Friday, January 28, 2022  | It Is In You


Topic: It Is In You

Date: Friday, January 28, 2022

Read: Exodus 31:2-5

MEMORISE: I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well (Psalms 139:14).


Man is created with lots of qualities and great potential to make him succeed and be great in life. No one is created without these qualities and potentials. They are in-built, and are to help man. succeed in all areas of life, i.e. to fulfil destiny, the reason God created him. God created no one devoid of potentials. Everyone is fully loaded with them. Yet, very unfortunately, men abound who are yet to discover their potentials, not to talk of making the most of them. No wonder lots of people die unfulfilled, only to go and enrich the grave with their unrealised, unharnessed, unfulfilled potentials.

The Bible records in Exodus 31 that God gave Bazalel and Oholiab the knowledge and skills to do certain (specialised) works in the construction. of the Tabernacle. God’s endowment on Joseph in the strange land of Egypt was unparalleled. The same Yahweh gave uncommon knowledge and wisdom to Daniel, even in a foreign land. All these were given for them to glorify God, benefit others, and in a way, i.e.selflessly profit themselves.

There is greatness in you as it is in every man that has ever lived here on earth. God endows all men with potentials, but only those who discover and deploy them become great. A potential is something that can develop or become actual. Don’t look down on yours; it will make you great one day.

Man’s fall put in him the inclination to do evil (Jer. 17:9; Rom. 3:23).  Man can do the worst things in life because wickedness is inherent in the natural man. Even Christians, sometimes misbehave, because of the manifestation of carnality. Don’t live in denial of the godless tendencies in man, but overpower them with the Spirit of God in you *(Romans 8:6,7)


  1. Thank you my father for the potentials You put in me
  2. Help me, O Lord, to discover and make good use of the hidden treasures in me.
  3. Pray for those in prison that God should work on personalities and characters, so that they would encounter Him and do away with criminality all of strands.

Extra Reading for Today: Exodus 29-30


Author: Christ Apostolic Church  [Worldwide]


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