Enjoy God’s Presence ~ Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor

Topic: Enjoy God’s Presence [Sunday May 28, 2017]

“… And Ezra opened the book in the sight of all the people; (for he was above all the people;) and when he opened it, all the people stood up….” (Neh. 8:1-10)

On that particular day, the man of God assembled the people on a street. The Bible states emphatically that when he opened the book, all the people stood up. Why did they stand up? They stood up in reverence for God and His Word. Beloved, if you truly believe the Holy Bible and have sincerely accepted Christ as your LORD and Saviour, wherever you find yourself, you must take your stand for Christ.

Many people confess that they believe the Bible and love Christ and the Word of God. But sadly, the life they live contradicts their confessions. Some time ago, a man attended one of our services in which the Spirit of God moved so strongly. Less than two hours after the service, our follow-up team visited his house. He wasn’t home. On inquiry, his wife directed them to a beer parlour. When the team got there, they found him drinking beer with his friends. What an irony! Yet such a man would go about confessing that he loves the LORD and believes His Word.

On another Sunday, after a very powerful service, I went to Palm Grove Hotel with my wife to see our guests from the United States. In the hotel, a young man who was with his girlfriend was bold enough to walk up to me, shake my hands, and declare, “I was in your church a few hours ago.” Well, I can’t tell you all he was there to do, but if you asked him whether he believed God’s Word, he would certainly say, “Yes!”

Stand up for Christ today. You need it to obtain His grace.

Word of Wisdom: Stand in reverence with God’s word to achieve a stand with Christ.

Prayer/Confession: The pull of the world, leave me alone. I take a stand for Christ.

Further Reading: Neh. 8:1-10

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