Home Events Flaming Light Int’l Prayer Conference 2022 | Theme: Encounter

Flaming Light Int’l Prayer Conference 2022 | Theme: Encounter

Prayer Conference 2022 |  Theme; Encounter

The clouds are gathering, Benin city is about to experience something monumental and Encounter with the person of Yeshua. Certainly, it’s going to rain heavily and divinity will tabernacle with humanity.

Get ready for life-changing encounters as God has prepared his mercenaries to be of blessing to you amongst whom are;

Rev Sam Ogbebor (Benin)
Apostle Joel Ogebe (Abuja),
Apostle. Frank Okparume (Benin),
and of course your yearly host Joel Igein in partnership with the Holy Ghost.

Date; 20th to 23th of September 2022.

Time: 4 pm daily.

Venue: KM 4, Benin/Auchi Road, Ogueka community, Benin city.

For more Enquiries please kindly reach out to Peter @ 07060943444, Daniel @ 08077952630, Prayer line @ 09155259020

Get ready for an encounter, God bless you



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