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Forgiveness Is Divine ~ Pastor William Kumuyi


Topic: Forgiveness Is Divine [November 27, 2016]

Text: Exodus 21:12-25

Key Verse: “But if a man come presumptuously upon his neighbour, to slay him with guile; thou shalt take him from mine altar, that he may die. And he that smiteth his father, or his mother, shall be surely put to death” (Exodus 21:14,15).

An Iranian woman who was blinded and badly disfigured by an acid attack by a spurned suitor recently pardoned her attacker. The woman was severely disfigured in the 2004 incident, when a bucket of acid was poured on her face and body and ultimately went through at least, 17 operations. In a court-ordered retribution, as a doctor was about to put several drops of acid in one of his eyes in a hospital operating room, the man who attacked her waited on his knees and wept. “What do you want to do now?” the doctor asked the 34-year-old woman, who suffered the attack. “I forgive him, I forgive him”, she responded, asking the doctor to spare him at the last minute in a dramatic scene broadcast on Iran’s state television.

“It is best to pardon when you are in a position of power”, she said, explaining that she did not want revenge. What the Lord commanded in our text is the need to respect the sanctity of life and punish those who deprive others of their lives. Where the loss is due to murder, then the law of retaliation applies: life for life. Moreover, if the killing is intentional, the perpetrator will find no refuge in the temple. Where, however, the killing was in the heat of passion and not premeditated, the killer could escape to a city of refuge and live out his days in exile, away from his family until the death of the high priest. The phrase “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”, expresses a principle of retributive justice or “law of retaliation”. The basis of this form of law is the principle of proportionate punishment.

Meanwhile, the Lord calls on Christians to forgive when offended. “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you…” (Matthew 5:44). As a child of God, do not seek vengeance against anyone. Let God judge on your behalf.

Thought for the day: It is more blessed to forgive than to revenge.

Bible Reading in one Year: 2 Peter 1-3

DCLM Daily Manna was written by Pastor William Folorunso Kumuyi; is the founder and General Superintendent of the Deeper Life Bible Church situated at KM 42 on the busy Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, Nigeria.

A Liberal Heart? ~ Pastor E.A Adeboye


Topic: A Liberal Heart? [Sunday 27, November 2016]

Memorise: Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. – Luke 6:38

Read: Proverbs 11:25 (KJV)

25 The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.

Bible in One Year: Exodus 1-3, Psalms 109:1-20


When it comes to giving, the truth of the matter is that what you give may leave your hand but it never leaves your life. It is to our own advantage to meet the needs of others around us. When you meet the needs of the Almighty God, He will in turn meet your needs. The truth is that God is the only one who doesn’t have a need. Whenever He tells you He has a need, it is only a strategy by Him to set you up for a miracle. Every child of God should have a liberal heart. You must be very generous in giving as you have been blessed by the Almighty God. When you sow into the lives of others, your soul shall be made fat with pleasure from God and will also be enriched with more grace. It is those who give more that receive more from God. In 1 Kings 17:8-16, God asked the widow to feed the prophet before taking care of herself. At the end of the day, what was not enough became more than enough. To what extent do you practice giving as an individual, family, church or nation?

Those who never give will continue to beg. If you desire to relocate from the side of begging to the side of giving, you have to become liberal. Everyone who would be a partner of Jesus Christ must learn to be a giver. There is nothing you give to God that the Almighty God will not reward you with much more. One thing the Lord makes very clear is that the harvest will always exceed the seed that was harvested. Harvests do not just come, they are planned for. You have to load the sky before it brings forth rain. There are people who are always waiting for the blessing of God when they have not done anything for God. You sow nothing, you reap nothing. Hence, famine is guaranteed for those who fail to sow.

You must never be tired of giving because the reward for your giving will never miss you. Solomon was a typical example of someone who was an ardent giver. No wonder God prospered him. God gave him more than he ever demanded. Some people believe that since they don’t earn much, it is not appropriate to sow; unfortunately, this is why such people remain low income earners. The widow of Zarephath had only one seed, yet she was wise enough to know the appropriate soil to sow the seed. Whenever you have the opportunity to sow, don’t just sow, you have to combine knowledge with the sensitivity of the Holy Spirit so that your seed will not be sown where it cannot be harvested.

There are rewards for the art of giving. The one who gives freely will be taken care of by God. The one who finds it difficult to give will also find it difficult to receive.

Key Point: Your life isn’t meaningful until you answer to the needs of others.

Open Heavens Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries.

God’s Dream For You ~ Pastor Chris Oyakilome


Topic: God’s Dream For You [Sunday, November 27th]

And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God (Ephesians 3:19).

In our study today, we’ll examine two vital thoughts, relating to God’s dream for you. First is that as a Christian, you must realize that you’re vitally the house, the living tabernacle of the almighty God. You’re full of God as Jesus was when He walked the earth. God isn’t any less in you today than He was in Jesus Christ. This isn’t something you’ll have to grow into as time goes by, no; it’s a reality you have to wake up to. You’re the temple of the living God.

1 Corinthians 3:16 says, “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?” What God wants is that you become God-inside-minded. He’s filled you with Himself. This became possible with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. His resurrection made it possible for us to have and live the God-life.

Secondly, God wants you to know and walk in the full and exact knowledge of His will. He doesn’t want you to ever be in confusion about His will over anything at any time. Jesus was never in doubt of the Father’s will; so, why should you be? When you’re filled with the knowledge (“epignosis”—Greek) of His will, you’ll be able to apply the wisdom of God in fulfilling it.

No wonder the Spirit prayed through the apostle Paul in Colossians 1:9 that this becomes a reality for the Church: “…that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.” He wants this to happen here on earth, not when you get to heaven. It’s His dream for you now. This is one reason attending Church services is very important for you as a Christian.

In the Church, you’re taught the Word of God to build you up spiritually, and to build your faith strong. The Word of God is the will and wisdom of God. To be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom, is to be filled with His Word; and when that happens, Colossians 1:10 says you’ll be fruitful in every good work. What a life!


I thank you, blessed Father, for your mighty hand that’s upon me to walk in your perfect will all the time. I live to fulfil your dream and purpose for my life, to the glory and praise of your Name. Your Word prospers in me today, and always, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Further Study: || Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. ||

|| 3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. ||

Daily Scripture Reading

1-Year Bible Reading Plan: 2 Peter 1,
Ezekiel 37-38

2-Year Bible Reading Plan: Revelation 2:13-29,
Hosea 7-8

EXTRACT FROM: Rhapsody of Realities Daily Devotional

The Battle Is In The Mind (Part 3): Transformation ~ Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor


Topic: A Dire Transportation [November 26, 2016]

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind….” (Romans 12:2).

To be transformed means, your thought pattern, ideas, beliefs and the way you do things are radically changed. In other words, your mind is re-engineered and re-reprogrammed, or better still, your mind is brainwashed with the word of God. Elisha is an example of a man whose mind was the store house of the word of God, a man who believes in God.

In II Kings 6, there was no food in the land of Samaria. In the midst of that problem, Elisha never failed in his mind to believe in God. In 11 Kings 7:1, The LORD spoke to the mind of Elisha. Elisha believed what the lord said and went to tell the people what the lord had told him. Elisha said: “Hear ye the word of the Lord; by this time tomorrow, food will be surplus”. Gods best for your life is hidden in your ability to believe the word of God in your mind no matter how unnatural it sounds. It does not matter how it comes. A whole nation was speaking of death; Elisha spoke life. They spoke hopelessness, Elisha spoke hope. They spoke fear, he spoke faith. They spoke defeat, he spoke victory. They spoke failure, he spoke success. They were crying; Elisha was laughing.

You are the opposite of the world, you are not conformed, but transformed. You are peculiar. You are different.. The word of God hath not given us the spirit of fear: but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” People who have sound minds are people who have transformed minds. When your mind is transformed, you are a different human being, you see, hear, think, believe and act differently. Hold on to your God like Elisha. When the devil shows you the ugly side of things, always see the good promises of God as declared in the scriptures. In other words, only see the victory which God has assured you in spite of the battles around you.

FURTHER READING: Psalm 92:12,15.
PRAYER/CONFESSION: Empower me Lord to live a transformed life. Let Your perfect peace reign in my life in Jesus name. Amen
WORDS OF WISDOM: There is a promise for every problem.

Eagles Devotional is a daily revelatory and inspirational Publication by Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor, the founder and presiding Pastor of Word of Life Bible Church, Warri, Nigeria.


A Dire Transportation ~ Pastor William Kumuyi


Topic: A Dire Transportation [November 26, 2016]

Text: Isaiah 27:1-13

Key Verse:“By this therefore shall the iniquity of Jacob be purged; and this is all the fruit to take away his sin; when he maketh all the stones of the altar as chalkstones that are beaten in sunder, the groves and images shall not stand up” (Isaiah 27:9).

Penal transportation is the deporting of convicted criminals to a penal colony. Examples include transportation of convicts by France to ‘Devil’s Island’ and by the UK to its colonies in the Americas, from the 1610s through the American Revolution in the 1770s and then to Australia between 1788 and 1868. The penal system which saw more than 40, 000 convicted criminals sent to America and about 200, 000 to Australia required the convicts to work on government projects such as road construction, building works and mining, or assigned to free individuals as unpaid labour.

Women were expected to work as domestic servants and farm labourers. A convict who had served part of his time might apply for a ticket of leave permitting some prescribed freedoms. This enabled some convicts to resume a more normal life, to marry and raise a family. From the passage, having seen the unrepentant nature of the children of Israel to be reformed, God laid the nation waste when He sent them away into captivity in Babylon for a while. Though He promised to afflict them, yet He will make their afflictions to work for the good of their souls and correct them as a father does the child, just to drive out foolishness in their hearts. The affliction was intended to cure the besetting sin of idolatry.

Though Jerusalem shall be desolate and forsaken for a time, yet there will come a day when its scattered occupants shall resort to it again out of all the countries whither they were dispersed. At present, you may be going through conditions you can clearly liken to either imprisonment or exile in a strange land. Rather than run from pillar to post, take a cursory look at your life and repent, if need be. That may end your captivity faster and ease your pains quicker.

Thought for the day: Simple obedience may end a long captivity faster.

Bible Reading in one Year: 1 Peter 1-5

DCLM Daily Manna was written by Pastor William Folorunso Kumuyi; is the founder and General Superintendent of the Deeper Life Bible Church situated at KM 42 on the busy Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, Nigeria.


What’s Your Name? ~ Kenneth Copeland


Topic: What’s Your Name? [November 26, 2016]

And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. – Colossians 3:17

Did you know your name has been changed? It’s no longer the same as it was before you were born again. You gave your old name away when you made covenant with Jesus.

To fully appreciate what that means, you have to think about it in the light of what we know about blood covenant. When someone enters a covenant of blood, he is giving himself completely away. He is no longer his own. His assets and his debts, his strengths and his weaknesses belong forever to his covenant brother.

When you’re in blood covenant with someone, that person’s name becomes your name forever. You cannot escape it—good or bad—it’s yours.

When you received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, He took your name! Your name was sin. Your name was weakness. Your name was fear and poverty and every other evil thing you inherited from Adam.

Jesus took those names from you and gave you His own in exchange. That’s right! Ephesians 3:15 says that the whole Body of Christ has been named after Him both in heaven and earth. That means you have been given Jesus’ Name. Its authority is now yours!

Just think about who you’re named after:

“Jesus, Mighty God, Wisdom, Deliverer, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Word of Life, Advocate, Provider, The Great I Am, Helper, Savior, Prince of Peace, Wonderful Counselor, Lamb of God, Lord of Hosts, Root of David, Author and Finisher of Our Faith, The Way, Healer, Son of God, The Truth, Chief Cornerstone, King of Kings, Light of the World, Chief Shepherd, My Strength and Song, Righteous Judge, Son of Righteousness, Resurrection and Life, The Alpha and Omega.”

Praise God, those names cover any need you’ll ever have. What’s more, the power of God is in His Name to bring that Name to pass in your life (Acts 3:16).

You can’t call yourself discouraged anymore. That’s not your name. You can’t answer when the devil yells, “Hey, poor boy.” That’s not your name. Jesus has taken those old names of yours. They’re gone. So meditate on the names of the Lord. They’re all wrapped up in the Name of Jesus, the Name above all names, and that Name with all its power and authority has been given to you!

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 3:16-21

This message was written by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, the leader of the Kenneth Copeland Ministries (www.KCM.org) that specializes in teaching principles of bible faith – prayer, healing, salvation and other biblical topics.

Hearing From God ~ Pastor E.A Adeboye


Topic: Hearing From God [Saturday 26, November 2016]

Memorise: Harden not your hearts, as in the provocation, in the day of temptation in the wilderness:Hebrews 3:8

Read: Hebrews 1:1-3 (KJV)

1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,

2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;

Bible in One Year: Genesis 48-50, Psalms 108


One of the illustrations of the Trinity says; God is the Father in Majesty, Jesus is the son in Suffering while the Holy Spirit is the Spirit in Striving. Jesus is the Word of God that became flesh among men. He is the one that the Father appointed over all the things He created. In time past, there were different ways that God used to reveal Himself to humanity. He spoke through dreams, or through supernatural happenings. In the present age, the Father communicates to us through His son Jesus Christ. Everyone that seeks for the Father will find Him only through the Son. Jesus is the only way through which men can be saved. Everything that God has can be inherited only through the Son. There is no way we can deeply understand the character and nature of God if not revealed through the Son. Through the son, we know how powerful the Father is. Through the son, we know how more than enough the Father is. Through the son we understand how loving and faithful the Father is. The Glory of the Father is radiated to the world through the Son. It is through the omnipotent Word that the universe is being held together. It is through the atoning work of Jesus on the Cross that our sins are purged away.

We have stories of people in the Bible who refused to acknowledge the supremacy of God in their lives. They refused to retain God in their hearts even though they daily enjoyed His works. Because they refused to put God in their hearts, they suffered a lot in the hands of their enemies. They were warned from time to time by prophets of God until they were condemned to captivity. This will never be your portion in Jesus’ name. This is why you must make up your mind for Jesus.

There are people who do not want to hear anything about Jesus. Such people in the times of trouble will have nowhere to hide. If you don’t honour His Word in your life, He will never bring you to the place of honour. The moment someone refuses to open up his or her heart to Jesus, the devil will take over such a life. The children of Israel refused to hearken to the will of God and the Lord chastised them by allowing their enemies to take them to captivity. When you allow the Word of God in your life, it will transform you into the image of God.

2 Timothy 3:16 says:

“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:”

One of the ways to harden ones heart is to refuse to accept and obey the will of God, when one’s emotions and intellect isn’t under the control of the Almighty God. Those who do not accept the Word of God in their lives will always provoke God to rise in judgment against them.

If the judgment of God comes upon an individual, he may be left to wander in the wilderness of life. Accepting Jesus is accepting the Word of God into your life. It is finding rest for your soul.

Prayer Point: Father, help me not to harden my heart to your Word.

Open Heavens Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries.


Don’t Stay Angry ~ Joyce Meyer


Topic: Don’t Stay Angry [November 26, 2016]

Cease from anger and forsake wrath; fret not yourself—it tends only to evildoing — Psalm 37:8

The Word tells us another way to resist temptation: When angry, do not sin; do not ever let your wrath (your exasperation, your fury or indignation) last until the sun goes down. Leave no [such] room or foothold for the devil [give no opportunity to him] (Ephesians 4:26-27).

Paul said that we should forgive people to keep Satan from gaining an advantage over us (See 2 Corinthians 2:10-11). If someone offends you, get over it quickly so you won’t leave open a door for the devil. It is a sin to hold anger and bitterness, so never go to sleep mad. If you forgive everyone before you fall asleep, freedom from wrong attitudes in your heart will help you start your day right the next morning.


Music: Only You – Emmakeyzz [@Emmakeyzz]


Emmakeyzz, the multi-talented, multi-instrumentalist, singer, songwriter, actor, scriptwriter, comedian amongst many things, steps back into the music scene with another power song titled ONLY YOU.

In this beautiful rendition, Emmakeyzz declares that God is the only source, only shelter, only comfort and in fact the Only One worthy to be praised.


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Music: You’ve Done Enough – Jessy Ft. Chris Shalom [@jessybassey_]


With the competition of good Music in the Nigerian music industry, Jessy Bassy also known as ‘JESSY’ an addicted member of believersLoveworld Inc. A K A Christ Embassy, who hails from Cross river State is a musical genius that is set to excite music lovers with his lyrical worship Single title “ you’ve done enough ”. The amazing song was Produced by Dave cujo mastered by pmo.

The song was composed and written by Jessy.


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Jekalyn Carr’s First Christmas Song “You Are Our Joy Christmas”, Now Available!


19 year old powerhouse vocalist, Jekalyn Carr continues to take the world by storm as she releases her first Christmas single “You Are Our Joy Christmas“, Now available on all digital stores..

Download You Are Our Joy Christmas’ via Amazon

Download ‘You Are Our Joy Christmas’ via iTunes

With few weeks left in 2016, this will be a year that Jekalyn Carr won’t soon forget as she celebrates several milestones in her budding career with three Billboard #1’s. Her third album THE LIFE PROJECT (August 2016) debuted at #1 on Billboard’s Top Gospel Albums chart. And after 13 consecutive weeks at #2 on the radio chart — Carr’s smash single “You’re Bigger” garnered her a first #1 on Billboard’s Gospel Airplay Chart (reaching 3.2 million weekly) as well as two consecutive weeks on Billboard’s Gospel Digital Songs chart (for most digital downloads).


Music: So In Love – Gdia [@missgdia]


Gdia the Abuja based singer, songwriter and fashion influence returns with another amazing song ‘Song In Love’ after her previous widely accepted hit ‘Part of you’.

Her new single titled ‘So in love’ is a heartfelt expression of her love for Jesus which she is unashamed to share with the world especially today (November 25th) which turns out to be her birthday.

The song was produced, mixed and mastered by Tklex.

Download, Listen & Share! 

Music: Halla – Victor Atenaga [@AtenagaVictor]


Renowned worship leader and Pastor, Victor Atenaga has released the first single ”Halla”, off his forthcoming project ”Acoustic Worship”.

”My greatest desire from time has been to lead people in Gods direction; Raise an alter for people to encounter God. The Acoustic Worship is one of those mediums for the accomplishment of such.

The Acoustic worship brings some selected songs that God gave me from 1993 (Teach me your ways and Thou art worthy) to 2016 (Forever yours).

I am used to ministering to thousands of people in the audience with stage lights and shouts of joy. But when I thought of this project, I thought of worship in a quiet place with less instruments than normal and calm sound, and I am glad we achieved this. 

After rehearsals with my music team, few days to this project i called my video team together and told them what we want to do and they plotted it and here we are”. – Victor Atenaga

The project was produced by our Simply Worship International Ministry worship team led by Kingsley Onyenwense and Martins Odibo, Audio recorded by Kingsley…., Audio Mix by Olumide Iyun while the video was edited by Orobosa.

He will be releasing singles from the project every Friday.

Download, Listen & Share! 

Music: Toh Marvelous – Mike Abdul Ft. Tope Alabi [@mikeabdulng]


Off Mike Abdul’s last released album comes this song titled ‘Toh Marvelous’ that features popular singer Tope Alabi.

The ‘korede’ crooner on this track gives praise to God for his marvelous nature.


Download, Listen & Share! 

God’s Love Tabernacle International Church Presents Finest Worship 2016 | 25th Nov; 2016


In 2015, over 6,000 people gathered in one night to worship ‘The Most High’ at the annual worship meeting organized by God’s Love Tabernacle International Church (GLT) With one voice, they sang in such sweet melody that the fragrance of their worship filled the entire worship arena where they gathered, and the Glory of the Lord descended, causing awesome and terrific miracles with instant testimonies all over.

And I have good news for you! The ground is prepared to accommodate over 15,000 people this year at Finest Worship 2016 tagged ‘The Lord of Glory’ holding at GLT Ile-Ife Worship Arena and the date is Friday NOVEMBER 25 by 10pm. (Don’t miss the Red Carpet)  Thousands are coming in from far and near to be a part of this unprecedented historic occasion! It’s the ‘once in a lifetime’ encounter you’ve been longing for! Here’s your passport to access grace that you’ve always desired.

Ministering at Finest Worship 2016 are the Set-Man & Senior Pastors of GLT – Pastor Segun & Funke Obadje alongside other anointed vessels including – P. Pearls (Pastor Pearls); De-U (Deola Udah); Tolu Sax; Nifemi; Rotimi; LudaraDave (Ojagaba) and Funmi Oladumila

At Finest Worship 2016:

*The Lord of Glory Himself will be present in the splendor of His Majesty as men offer their finest and purest worship.

*There will be a mighty outpouring of the Spirit causing Signs, Wonders, Diverse Miracles, Healings, Gifts of the Spirit, instant change in financial status, abundant prosperity and every desire will be met.

*Joy will be let loose! Joy unspeakable… but ‘dance-able’  ‘shout-able’ ‘scream-able’; You’ll enjoy the liberty of the sons of God as we ‘party in the Holy Ghost’.

*You will have a definite encounter with God that you won’t recover from for the rest of your life, traceable to Finest Worship 2016.

For more details, visit www.finestworship.com

Don’t miss the trend – Follow the conversation on social media using the hash tag #FinestWorship

Follow on Facebook, twitter and instagram – “finestworship”

Finest Worship 2016 – Make it a date with the ‘Lord of Glory’…

Music: A Reason – Uty Pius [@Utypius]


The highly anticipated new single from Nigerian born, UK based Gospel recording artist, Psalmist and worship leader, Uty Pius, is out now.

Crafted by the uber talented producer, King Baseda, the new single titled “A Reason” is an up tempo, heartfelt and high praise song that will enrich your playlist.

Download, Listen & Share!