Kemi Oyedepo: Accept Responsibility

If you feel as if your spouse (or potential spouse) may not be behaving as he or she should, one thing to do is to consider your own attitude and approach to them. The truth is that how you conduct yourself may be the reason for their negative behaviour. It’s not always the case but sometimes it may be. Speaking to wives in 1 Peter 3:1, if we want to trigger change in our husbands, we’re told that our godly lives (words and actions) has what it takes to provoke that change. This can apply both ways – whether it’s the husband or wife.

If you notice, it doesn’t say anything about prayer in that Scripture. Of course prayer is 100% important but there is a time or place for prayer and there is a time or place for behaving rightly. It’s true that people pray so much to see change in their spouse or in their home but those same people cancel the prayer by their words and conduct. I have personally met husbands and wives, who sit down, receive counseling, pray and even fast for change but when they are talking to, or about their spouses, their words should never ever be repeated. God cannot work that way because the two go hand in hand. You can’t pray one minute then do as you please based on your feelings, the next minute. If you want to get the right results, you do what must be done!

Whatever you do, don’t shift blame; take responsibility for your own conduct that may cause negative reactions from your spouse or sometimes your children. For example, the Scriptures admonish us not to provoke one another (Galatians 5:26). It’s foolishness to insult and treat your spouse like they have no value and expect them not to react. That’s human nature and many of us are still working on allowing the fruit of the spirit to dwell in us. If you as a Christian know better, do better.

Don’t be the cause of strife and refuse to accept responsibility. Stop speaking without thinking and stop being the troubler of your home. Stop saying that is how you are and focus on how you should behave as a Christian. Do what is required of you to maintain peace. Again – when you know better, do better. God will only help those who accept responsibility and are willing to do what is right. Don’t watch your relationship and family crumble because of your refusal to do the needful. Be wise.

You must have Christ in your life if you must accept responsibility in making your marriage what God intends it to be. This simply means that you must be born again and you can only do so by having a personal relationship with Him. You can do this by confessing your sins and accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. That way, you will be saved. If you are ready to be saved, please say this prayer: “Lord Jesus, I come to You today. I am a sinner. I can’t help myself. Forgive me of my sins. From today, I accept You as my Lord and Saviour. Thank You Jesus for saving me. Now, I know I am born again.”

Congratulations! I am so excited for you and look forward to your testimonies. Till I come your way next time, please call or write to share your testimonies with me through and, Tel: 08141320204; 07026385437. For more insight, these books authored by Pastor Faith Oyedepo are available at the Dominion Bookstores in all Living Faith Churches and other leading Christian Bookstores: Single with a Difference, Building a Successful Family, Making Marriage Work and Marriage Covenant.

Remain ever blessed!

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