When our steps are ordered by God, it means we have handed over the steering of our lives unto him. That’s obedience! Bishop David Oyedepo has given insight into what it means to allow our steps to be determined by God’s word.

Misnistering during the day 3 of his church’ annual prayer and fasting, Bishop Oyedepo preached about obedience to God’s word.
“Let God’s Word be strong enough to determine your steps in life. Don’t pull your shoulders against God, it doesn’t work. Simple obedience like itAbraham, “Get out of thy country” at once he departed. “Circumcise all the males born in your household” immediately. “Bring your only son Isaac” he rose up early in the morning. Galatians 3:14. Jesus died to connect us to the realm of Abrahamic blessings. John 8:39. That is the way to secure our way to our high places”, he said.
He stated that fasting and prayer enables believers to access higher anointing which in turn change their level. This is because anything the word of God says, takes believers a step forward to achieve their goals.
“Fasting and prayer is a platform that grants us access to our high places.
You can’t access the anointing and not change level. Jesus returned and his fame went all abroad. He returned in the power of the Spirit. So when you say “I don’t believe that,” you are just saying “Lord leave me where I am.” Anything the Word says is a step forward. Doing anything the Word commands to do is a step forward. Luke 6:46. Nothing flies like obedience in the Kingdom of God. Psalm 112:1-3″, Bishop Oyedepo said.
Using himself as an example, the Bishop emphasized the need for christians to be obedient. He stated that years back God told him to always do whatever he asks him to do.
“Back in 1984, I was reading the scriptures, in Deuteronomy 28 and the Lord said to me, “Son, there is a place for you on top if you are interested. Then I responded “Yes, Lord I am interested” Then He said “Whatever I tell you to do, do it. That was where I saw that putting the Word to work can set any man above all the nations on the earth. It is one thing to see it, it is another thing to walk in it”, Oyedepo said.